Clinging To Him {Nineteen}

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"Luca. Stop."

"Not today, Max."

"Luca, please."

"I'm busy."

I rolled my eyes impatiently as I had to continue chasing him around the school, "Now you're too busy? A couple days ago you would have done anything for me-"

"And look where that got me." Luca answered back harshly.

I flinched a bit knowing I shouldn't have said that the moment it left my mouth. "Can we talk this out?" I asked not wanting to back out.

Luca stopped suddenly causing me to almost bump into him but I put  my hand on his back to catch myself. Luca didn't even make an attempt to hide the fact that he shrugged my hand off of him. He turned to face me with pure anger in his eyes "Go away, Max. When I'm ready to talk then I will personally go to you. If you make me have a conversation right now then I'm going to say a whole lot of hurtful things that I'd rather keep bottled inside."

"From my experience, holding things in isn't a good idea." I said with a crooked smile, trying to ease the tension.

Luca scoffed and shook his head, clearly he wasn't in the mood to talk but I wanted him to atleast hear me out. "I'm leaving." He said and turned away from me but I grabbed onto his backpack, refusing to let him walk away.

"I just want to apologize properly-"

"Don't. I really don't want to hear your half-hearted apology."

"Okay, I understand I did something really fucked up to you but how about toning it down a bit? I'm human. I made countless mistakes throughout my time on this earth but I'm owning up to them, finally.  Put on your big boy underwear and chill the fuck down." So, maybe I could have handled that way differently but I wasn't known to have patience. "Hear me out and we can get this over with in a civilized manner. If you walk away now don't think that I won't show up to Stardust Entertainment or even to the set of your drama or movie or whatever the fuck it is because I sure as hell will and I'll make a huge ass scene." I threatened in an attempt to stop Luca from leaving. Not a great idea but I just needed it to work so that Luca and I could talk. I mean, it's not like I would actually go to the set and disturb everyone there by making a scene but I just needed Luca to believe that I would so he would stop walking away.

Luca stayed still and then suddenly took off his backpack since I was holding on to it. He left quickly into the bathroom and I followed just as swiftly. Inside there was a guy washing his hands next to Luca who was splashing water on his face. I set Luca's bag down next to him and he looked at me through the mirror, "Say what you have to say in here. We were attracting unwanted attention out there." I hadn't even noticed since the last couple of weeks unwanted attention was nothing new.

I sighed and walked over to the guy who was whistling and washing his hands. Our eyes met and his whistling stopped as we immediately recognized one another. He was one of Joshua's followers that seemed to be dragged into Joshua's none sense. If I remembered correctly his name was Thomas. I, surprisingly, did hate him but I did feel bad for him because his friends were assholes. I could tell he was just a timid kid who found it easier to hang out with Joshua and Travis rather than be getting bullied like other kids and I was. However, that being said, I knew we had limited time to talk because either Thomas was going to go tell Joshua or news would have spread to him from our scene in the hall.

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now