Clinging To Him {Twenty}

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I was seriously glad that Nico hadn't been acting awkward since I revealed my feelings to him. For the most part he was acting like he usually did but was more serious because it was the evening we were going to meet Tas. Dylan looked really nervous that not even his still expression could hide the facts. I didn't blame him though because moments before Nico was going on and on about everything that could go wrong, not in spite but because that was what Nico always did to get through similar situations. Sometimes he would only say it in his head but other times it was better for him to say it out loud and Dylan just so happened to be within earshot.

"Maybe I should go, too." Mikhail spoke up, shocking everyone in the living room.

"No." Nico said quickly after he got rid of the initial shock. "You still don't know how to use a gun properly. It's bad enough I have to keep Max and Dylan safe. I can't have you going." I was really surprised to learn that Mikhail had willingly wanted to learn to use a gun. Of course, even though it surprised me I did expect it to happen eventually.

"I know enough." Mikhail tried arguing.

"The basics are not enough to be put out there where people have been using guns since they were kids."


"Miki." Nico said right back as this was something he wasn't going to let happen.

"I think you'd be better off staying here, Mikhail, for all of our sakes. I'm taking two uninvited guests when only I was invited. Maybe I can get away with it but anymore and it will look mistrusting in Tas' eyes. Stay here. We'll keep you posted as much as we can." I said giving him a reassuring look. Although it didn't look like it, I was really nervous and a bit frightened as well. Tas always was unpredictable and not having seen him for so many years, I wasn't really sure how his personality was nowadays but I couldn't see it getting any better especially living in the slums. If anything, his personality probably hardened even more and even that was questionable.

Dylan agreed, "We'll be fine. Don't worry."

"That only worries me more". Mikhail said and slumped down on the couch in defeat. "Fine. I'll stay but you all three better come back. I swear that if you don't I'll bring you back to life only to kill you again."

Nico breathed out a laughed and kneeled down in front of Mikhail. He grabbed Mikhail's hand and kissed the back of it gently. "I'll come back." They were both in their own little world so I let them be.

I looked towards Dylan who was talking to Aaron on his phone. Apparently Dylan had to be there for his internship today but was working out a deal with Aaron to work at a different day for more hours. I was feeling bitter about that agreement but I knew having Dylan with me when I met up with Tas again would be good for me. Dylan would, hopefully, be able to keep me grounded and level headed since I'd have to think about my actions closely. Dylan met my eyes while he was on the phone and smirked back knowingly. I looked away quickly as I tried to hide my flushed face which was easier because two out of three people in the room with me were occupied and Dylan quickly went back to his call.

We were moving along swiftly, or so I liked to think so. There was a couple of make outs which Dylan was quick to put a stop to when I wanted to go further. Understandable but really frustrating and only made me want to reach age eighteen quicker. What we could do together was limited as far as having a sexual relationship but emotionally we were already one. Really, from the beginning we matched really well even if we did argue and get in each others faces a lot. We spent the night talking and opening up to one another and although we hadn't put a name to our relationship it was obvious that we were exclusive and I was perfectly fine with that, surprisingly.

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