Clinging To Him {Seven}

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I woke up on a Saturday morning, squinting from the sunlight shining through the open curtains. I looked towards my side and noticed Dylan wasn't there. I sighed softly and sat up as I ran a hand through my messy hair. I wondered to myself when it became habitual to see Dylan first thing in the morning. So much so that he was the first person I looked for as soon as I woke up.

I looked for my phone and found it on the floor. I reached down for it and checked my messages. I had four unread message on it. I checked them with half open eyes as I wasn't completely awake yet. I opened up Kasper's first: 'Id much rather spend my time doing something else productive but Lydia is all for it and she's making me go.'

I didn't answer and checked to see what Lydia had said. 'You're going to be my wingman, right? Let's go get some 🐱 or even 🍆. Idc which honestly but you better help me out.' I smirked as Lydia also used emojis instead of words like I sometimes did.

'' I sent back. The last thing I needed was to hook up randomly at a party where Joshua possibly could be at. I'd only be giving him more material to bash on me for. I hadn't meant to invite the both of them but after school Luca came up to me and made sure that I really wanted to go to the party and spend time with him. Lydia had invited herself along with Kasper. It was cute though how Luca came to confirm with me in person when he could have just called or shot me a text. I replied to Kasper quickly, '🚗🚶'

He messaged back quicker than I thought, 'Yeah. We can pick you up. Send me your address.' I sent him my address and then raised my eyebrows in surprise that someone had finally been able to understand my emoji texts. Than again, Lydia seemed to have the same text pattern and they both seemed really close so I figured that he was accustomed to it.

Another was from Sal saying: 'I don't know if I want to go. Parties where I'm forced to socialize aren't my thing.' I actually had invited Sal to go along since I didn't want to go alone. Also, Sal and I were friends now and I assumed friends did things like go out partying together.

I messaged him back quickly before jumping in the shower. 'Listen, I hate people. You hate people. Let's go and judge other people together.' It seemed like a good solution. I just didn't want to be alone together with Kasper and Lydia as I still wasn't really comfortable with them.

'... That does sound fun... Fine, can you pick me up tho?'

'I'm getting a ride from Kasper and Lydia.... Don't you have a motorcycle??'

'I do but it's in the shop. Wait, Kasper is going? Kasper Alston??'

I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at the phone in my hands. 'I don't know his last name but I think? You two know each other? Speaking of, when I mentioned your name earlier this week he gave a weird facial expression.' I sent to him as I remembered that Kasper got all weird as soon as I mentioned hanging out at lunch with Sal.

'Did he? Thanks for the info. 👌 ask if I can tag along.'

'What the hell is with that? You do it since you two happen to know each other.' I told him as I didn't feel like relaying messages back and forth.

'I see how it is. Fine.'

I rolled my eyes and threw my phone onto the bed. Why did people have to bother me so early in the morning. I checked the last message from Luca, 'Good morning! Do you have a ride for tonight? If not, let me know'

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now