Clinging To Him {Twenty-Two}

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Waking up for school after the information Tas had given us and a party the same night was a bit of an overload for me and by the looks of it Dylan was feeling the same way, possibly even worse. We were in his car as he drove me to school in silence. I was the one to break the silence by asking, "Are you going to your grandparents after this?"

Dylan didn't say anything at first but then spoke up after thinking about it "Come with me? I'll wait until school is over for you and we can go together."

"Seriously?" His response shocked me because I hadn't ever met his grandparent. The first time I was in his hotel was when I unknowingly slept with Luca and I didn't have to check into the front desk because Luca was already inside the room. Dylan has his own apartment aside from his grandparents hotel so it's not like I'd ever bump into them when I stayed with Dylan. "You want me to meet your grandparents?"

"Yeah. If this is going to get serious then I want someone there with me.... I mean, the talk is going to get serious". Dylan clarified with a light blush on his cheeks. "Not us- I mean, we can get serious if that's what you want.... What I'm trying to say is-"

My laughter cut Dylan off as I smiled at him "It's fine. I understand." I said letting him know that I knew what he was trying to say. He didn't want to rush me into anything I didn't want to do as long as we were being truthful and honest with each other. No more lies and holding back on the other person because we didn't want a repeat of our fight to break out.

Dylan looked relieved and then pulled into the school parking lot. He stopped the car and looked at me with a soft expression "This... Us... I just want to make this work but if you don't then I won't hold you back since I was also in the wrong and I'm sorry for that. You were going through a lot with your emotions and I know expressing yourself wasn't and still isn't natural to you and yet I wanted you to be something you weren't. I pushed you out of your comfort zone when you weren't ready and I admit that I didn't trust you when I should have and I noticed my mistakes afterwards. Ah, but you were obviously in the wrong as well." Dylan brought up with a joking smile as to pull away from the serious tone he set.

He wasn't expecting me to get serious as well so when I did it was a shock to him. I looked down at my hands and fiddled my thumbs together "You shouldn't have to apologize because I was being a real dick and you have every right to still be mad at me. While, yes, I do have problems expressing myself to others I feel like that's not an excuse to be a complete asshole. I acknowledge that I played with your emotions and Luca's without really looking at the consequences and I guess that just shows my maturity level so I feel like I should be telling you that it's okay to walk away now. I wouldn't hold it against you either because I feel like I deserve it a hundred percent. I find myself wondering if it okay to hold you back like this." I admitted.

"Max, you are a complete idiot when it comes to people and emotions so I'm going to say this so that even you can understand, look at me." He said softly putting his right hand under my chin and turned my head to look at him in the eyes. "I like you. I always have since the moment I laid my eyes on you and it's nothing short of fate that we knew each other when we were younger and here we are again face to face as young, stupid, indecisive idiots, both of us. I don't know how else to say it so that you'll finally believe me. I like you for you and you don't have to change a single thing about yourself. Your stubbornness is something I've grown to accept over time, okay? I like you." Dylan kept repeating over and over rose three simple words with such sincerity that I had to believe him.

"I l-like you, too." My cheeks and ears started heating up and I knew that I was blushing from head to toe.

Dylan smiled fondly at me and leaned in but left space between our faces. "Can I kiss you?" Dylan asked in a whisper.

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now