Clinging To Him {Fifteen}

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How many times had I gotten knocked on my ass? I had seriously lost count. Coming back into training after more than half a year and expecting to be just as good as when I left was a mistake on my part. People whose ass I've kicked in the past would definitely have fun getting their revenge on me. I also didn't have as much confidence since my injuries because I was told not to over exert myself even though everything seemed to be healed up normally.

"Max! Get up." The woman who was in charge of training everyone said as she clapped her hands together to get my attention. She was nearing forty and yet still was the best fighter within the Delacroix which is why she was given the responsibility to get everyone who joined at her level. She continuously dyed her hair into brown so there were no sign of grey hairs anywhere. She looked really toned for her age and yet still had a very feminine air around her. She was easy to spot in a room full of people because she was full of confidence, though not arrogant.

I was laid flatly on the matted ground and breathed heavily and sat up to fix my hair up in a pony tail so it wouldn't be in my face. "Farrah. Take it easy, will you? I'm out of shape from not doing anything productive in the last few months."

"That's your fault." Farrah said as she walked over to me and stopped when she was beside me. She looked down at me and continued "You were at my level and now you're not even at a beginner level. You're worse. It's a little embarrassing that even a newcomer would be able to knock you on your ass."

"That's all hypothetical." I told her as we were the only two inside the training room. I had went to train when no one else was there because I was really bad and didn't want the members to see me. "In my defense, even a level one here is crazy good." I tried defending myself since it was true. "They've all got the experience, mentality, or the body type to fight."

"That shouldn't even be an excuse. You use to be able to fight grown ass men. Now you can't even take on someone your own age." Farrah decided to rub it in my face that I was way out of shape and really had no business coming back. Okay, maybe not to that extent but that's all I really heard when she talked negatively about my skills compared to in the past.

"Hypothetically.~" I sang in a reminder.

Farrah sighed and held out her hand to me. I grabbed it and she helped me up and then said "Start coming daily and I'm sure you'll get better faster. It'll come back to you the more you train but I am curious as to why you suddenly decided to come back? I thought you quit?"

I rolled my right shoulder as I had landed on it quite hard and said "I left unofficially." I tried to explain "Nico and I decided it would be better that I focus on my studies and whatnot and then come back later if that's what I wanted."

Farrah laughed in disbelief "How's that going for you? I mean, seeing as you're here now and all even if you're still attending my classes."

"Yeah, well, certain circumstances made me realize that I need to get back to how I was before if I want be able to protect the people around me."

"How noble." Farrah joked with a lopsided smile. "Though, I'd say the real reason why you came back here would have to do with a certain bully?"

I froze and then slowly looked up at her, "What?"

"Word gets around." When I kept staring at her for an explanation she said "My twins go to your school."

I flinched immediately and asked Farrah, "Are they in the Delacroix too?" I wanted to see if I had to convince them to keep their mouth shut but if they were in the Delacroix then it would be difficult because they'd have more training and would be loyal more so to Nico. I didn't want news of my stupid high school drama to reach Nico's ears. Anything related to the outside world and my school life were two separate matters which I figured I needed to keep that way.

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