Clinging To Him {Fourteen}

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"Tell me again how I got stuck adopting some cat."

"You're not solely adopting it." I corrected Sal "We're co-adopting, for now anyways. I can't take it back because Nico is allergic and leaving it on the streets is too cruel."

"Nico the Mafia boss? Should you really be telling me his weakness like this?"

"Doesn't matter." I shrugged. "Not like you'd be a threat to him anyways."

Sal snickered "Very true." He then changed the conversation, "I actually thought you were lying about the cat just to come over to see me. Who knew you actually had a soft side."

"When I'm not turned on its-"

"Not in front of our child!" Sal smacked my arm and lightly put his hands over the kitten's ears.

I chuckled and realized, "oh," I picked up the kitten softly careful not to injure it "What even is the gender?"

"Male." Sal said peering under as I lifted him up. We were both seated on the ground beside his bed so that there wasn't even a possibility of the kitten falling off the bed and getting hurt. "You're going to have to buy all the things this kitten needs to survive. I'm not some rich boy and my part-time pays like shit."

"Cats need things? Can't you just lend them a pillow and can't they just pee outside?" I asked and let the rich boy comment go as I was thinking more about the kitten since I wasn't familiar with keeping pets or taking care of them at all.

"Dude, no." Sal said with a shake of his head. "You need to buy food, bowls, toys, cat litter, any possible shots he might need, and something the kitten can use to file his nails down because otherwise my furniture and walls are going to be torn up. Oh! A proper bed would be great but he'll most likely just sleep wherever he feels like it."

I sighed and looked at the kitten softly, "Looks like I'll have to take him back to the streets then."


"Kidding!" I said and broke out in a laugh, "I already committed to taking care of him. No backing out now."

"You committed? The only thing you committed yourself to was convincing me of keeping him." Sal corrected me."

"I'm going to buy everything he needs" I reminded him, "It'll only be for a short while. Maaaybe until we graduate."

"Ahhh, this feels strangely like we are getting a divorce and we're going through custody at the moment."

"Idiot." I joked and put the kitten down on my lap and watched as he made himself comfortable. "What are we going to name him?"

Sal shrugged "You found the little guy so I'll give you the rights to name him."

"I'm so honored." I joked lightly and then stared down at the kitten. His fur was all black and he had beautiful silver eyes, though I couldn't see them at the moment because he had his eyes closed on my lap. I used my pinky finger to softly pet his head as I thought for an appropriate name, one that I thought would fit him.

"Then Vi."

"Vi? Why Vi? I seriously thought you'd go for something like Sir. Fluffles McMeowskers. Im a little disappointed."

"Vi as in Sur-Vi-vor." I explained with a soft smile.

"Oh my god. You have such bad sense in naming kittens. I'm so sorry little guy. I should have named you instead."

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now