Clinging To Him {Nine}

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My heart felt like it was racing a hundred miles per hour. He was following me. I had to get out of there as quickly as I could. He was catching up. I could see Nico in sight. He was waiting for me up ahead. All I had to do was get to him in time. The problem was that he wasn't actually waiting for me. Mikhail ran into his arms and they walked away together. I called out for Nico but he couldn't hear me, either that or he pretended not to. I tripped on my own feet and the scenery around me changed into the warehouse where Sera had first kidnapped us into.

I stood up cautiously and then Nico appeared again but this time accompanied by Dylan, my parents, Rachel, and my uncle. None of them moved. It was like they were dolls or simply an egg shell of the person they were before. Their eyes were hollow and had no sign of life in them. I couldn't look away from my parents who had a plastered smile on their faces. It was like they were taunting me. I moved to Rachel and smiled softly at her motionless form. It was nice to see her up close if even for a second.

I moved to my uncle and no matter what I couldn't feel hate for him. Though, that wasn't to say that I all of a sudden trusted him or would allow him back into my life. What he did was unforgivable but he did keep Rachel safe. That had to count for something.

I looked at Nico and it was odd to see him with his natural hair color. After years of seeing him with his blonde, the dark brown felt so out of place. I guess that could be said for a lot of things between Nico and I at the moment. We weren't really as close as we were before. He had moved on to better things and was living his life. One without me. I was happy for Nico. He had Mikhail now who he could trust a thousand percent but where did that leave me?

I looked at Dylan painfully. He had his camera hanging off of his neck and his classes were almost completely off of his nose. He looked silly in my eyes but still dependable. I was rude to Dylan because I couldn't fathom letting him in. People who I trusted in the past had a tendency to turn their back on me. Besides it was hard to tell him how I felt when it was all still confusing for me. He had been there for me when everything with Elisha went down and yet our differences kept us apart.

I walked close and touched Dylan's cheek softly with three fingers. His face was actually soft despite his cold and statue-like appearance. I started to have a bad feeling about everything. Why hadn't I questioned it before? What was going on? Before I could do anything else it was like all life snapped back into everyone. Dylan grabbed onto my wrist roughly and threw it off of him. His goofy expression replaced with an annoyed one. I frowned and then I felt it. A bullet pierced through my stomach. I looked down and saw the blood seeping through my shirt. I covered it and looked up and Dylan but he just laughed and walked away.

I gasped feeling the air leave me and fell to my knees and looked up towards everyone. My parents grabbed hands with Rachel and didn't even spare me one single look. They walked off disappearing in the dark room. Nico clicked his tongue at me and said something along the lines of how worthless my life was up till then. Dylan stayed the longest. I thought he was going to help me but Aaron came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Dylan's waist. Aaron kissed Dylan's neck and they both laughed. I reached out for Dylan but he turned away from me. I watched with tears in my eyes as everyone was leaving me in my time of need.

I heard footsteps behind me and saw Joshua and Elisha grinning at me. They were getting closer and closer as I tried to crawl away. Joshua stomped on my ankle to prevent me from moving and Elisha held a gun straight to my head.

And then I woke up.

The first thing I saw as I was a hyperventilating mess was Dylan staring down at me with concern in his eyes. So, the next thing I did was punch his arm hard enough to make myself feel better. He cried out in pain, "Ow! Shit! Did I really deserve that?!"

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now