Clinging To Him {Twenty-One}

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The only thing I could hear was Gino rhythmically tapping his finger on the steering wheel to imaginary music. He hadn't started any sort of conversation at all so I thought it would be okay for me to initiate the exchanging of words between us. Gino didn't seem like the talkative type if there wasn't an actual reason to so I knew that we'd be sitting in silence the whole way if I didn't start a conversation and Gino would be perfectly fine with it whereas I found it awkward. "Are we almost there?" I asked. I had tried to map out where we were headed by keeping track of all the turns but I ended up getting dizzy and lost my sense of direction.

"Almost." Gino replied, keeping it short.

".... The quiet atmosphere between us doesn't bother you?" I questioned finding the silence unbearable mostly because I was anxious.

"Why would it?" Gino asked

"It's awkward." I said.

"Then talk. I didn't tape your mouth shut after all."

I didn't need to think at all about what to talk about because I already had a question formed in my head ever since we met in Dona's office. "Why are you working for Tas? You seem past the age to be putting your life in danger like this. Don't you ever plan on starting a family? I imagine starting a family would be difficult working for a gang member. Do you even get paid?"

"I don't need a family or money if I have Tas."

That immediately reminded me of something similar that Seraphina would have said about Elisha had she still been alive. "Why's that?" I asked wanting to try to figure out how Gino's thought process worked to see if I could understand Sera.

"He'd be a scared, fragile child without me." Gino said bluntly with confidence which didn't help at all. No matter how I looked at it, Elisha would have never been fragile without Sera. He was the type that didn't need anybody and that left him with almost no weakness.

"You think?"

"I know."

"You're that close?" I questioned.

Gino scoffed with a laugh and said "A dog knows what his master is thinking even before the said master does, doesn't he?"

"I'm sure that's not how the saying goes." I said and shook my head softly. "So, what is your relationship with Tas then? Are you two really close friends, sex friends, a couple, or do you have a master-servant relationship?"

"Good question. Probably all of the above."

"No kidding?" I asked with a bit of disbelief. When I was with Tas he never struck me as someone who was interested in sex. Then again, I was younger than him and he might just not have been interested in me. "Do you have anyone else you care about other than Tas?" I asked Gino because I've seen what being so devoted to one person could do to someone.

"I have a younger brother and sister that both go to high school. We're not close at all but we greet each other when I go back home."

My mouth flew open as I looked towards Gino even though I couldn't see him. I closed it and tried not to let my shock be heard through my voice "What's are their names?" I wondered if they went to my same school and perhaps I'd seen them around.

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now