Clinging To Him {Twenty-Four}

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Dylan kept to his word and called me around ten thirty at night, not that I particularly cared about the time since I was up anyways. He told me everything that he talked about with his grandparents and how they finally opened up to one another. Apparently, Michael even invited me to dinner at their house as an apology and for an opportunity for us to get closer seeing as Dylan and I had no plans of breaking up in the near or far future. I accepted because I thought it would perhaps be more pleasant seeing as Dylan and his grandparents talked it out. He seemed happier and a lot less stressed when he told me he wasn't going to go after Antoinette. He wanted to move forward and figured leaving Antoinette in the past was the way to go. Although he wasn't going to get any sort of revenge he did promise to help me with my parents regardless. I went to bed nightmare free for the first time in a long time.

Needless to say, my day after waking up was great.

In the morning I had gotten an extremely cute picture of Vi and immediately sent it to Dylan, to which he showed interest in meeting him and potentially keeping Vi together. That then got us talking about moving in together but we didn't get into specifics. Then I arrived to school with plenty of time and spent it with Sal arguing about what foods were considered fruits or vegetables. After that debate that probably went on for far too long I went to my first class and was greeted by Luca which momentarily caught me off guard but I appreciated that he was taking steps forward although I wasn't sure I deserved it. Later, P.E. was spent making jokes and basically drooling over the perfection that was Mr. Klein with Lydia while Kasper nagged at us. I was finally starting to get the hang of letting loose at school and the best part was that I hadn't seen Joshua at all because of his move. I saw his lackeys a couple times throughout the day but they didn't pay me any attention, which I was glad for. I guess without Luca they weren't seen as a threat and therefore didn't need to go around bullying kids.

Before I knew it the day was over and I was talking to Kasper, his group of friends, and his boyfriend. Okay, I only occasionally gave my input every now and again because although I was cool with them I wouldn't exactly categorize us as besties. They had their own inside jokes that I wasn't apart of but it didn't really bother me as much as I thought it would because I did have Sal after all. He was just busy doing things after school so I opted to walk out with Kasper and the rest.

"-you even believe her? Max?" Oliver asked shoving an elbow into my ribs.

I let out a small yelp out of surprise and returned the gesture receiving a lopsided grin from Sloth who didn't seem bothered by the fact I hit his boyfriend, considering Oliver started it. "What did you say?" I asked rubbing my side while Oliver frowned at me.

"I was telling you about how Lydia just got herself a girlfriend" Oliver said and threw his arms up dramatically. "and only to tell us about it a week later! A week!"

Lydia rolled her shoulders and yawned softly "Stop making a fuss, Oli. I wanted to make sure what we were before I told anyone."

"She's dating a cheerleader!" Oliver continued and ignored Lydia completely. "That's like our sworn enemies! The jocks, the cheerleaders, the rich kids, and the teacher's pets!"

"Teachers pets?" I asked curiously. "What do you have against them?"

"They tattle whenever I decide to ditch."

"As they should." Kasper added.

"I'm a jock." Kasper's boyfriend, Jackson, interrupted and raised his hand slightly.

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now