Clinging To Him {Sixteen}

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Two days later and I was getting really impatient because I hadn't heard from neither Dona or Gino and the clock was ticking. Did they think I had all the time in the world? I didn't even know when my parents would come for Rachel and I so how could they possibly expect me to sit and wait patiently like this? Also, I was beginning to think that Gino hadn't delivered my message after all. He did look hesitant to involve Tas and although he has his reasons, I also have mine. Tas was never one to let his traumas get in the way for him so I'd think it would be the same even today with him being older and all but I couldn't really be sure since it had been so long since we've seen each other.

Not being able to do anything besides waiting around was internally killing me. I was never one to just sit around and wait for things to happen so the fact that I had to do that now felt wrong in some way. I should have been out there looking for Tas but if I thought about it realistically then there was no way that would ever work. I would only get myself in more trouble if I went around shouting Tas' name in the streets. So, I was going to have to endure going to classes and acting like everything was okay, at least until I got contacted by someone about Tas because he was my only and current lead to Antoinette.

Walking through the halls was annoying because Luca kept texting and calling, I hadn't had a chance to eat breakfast, and people were staring at me and whispering behind my back, more so than usual. I had actually thought that all the talk about me had died down recently but looking around I saw that it only amplified. I felt like it had something to do with Luca and I dating. I was seriously about to ask some random person in the hallways but then I saw Oliver running through the halls in full throttle and he suddenly grabbed my arm without stopping and pulled me out to the gym.

"Ow! Can you stop?!" I asked trying to pry my arm away from him but Oliver was surprisingly strong.

Oliver didn't answer but he nearly threw me into the gym and shut the doors loudly behind him. Oliver then dramatically peered out the small window on the door and then turned around to look at me. "I've brought him!" He shouted.

I looked around at the darkened gym and found that the only light was where Oliver and I were standing, towards the front of the gym. I sighed and asked, "What the hell is this about?"

"Max! You're alright!" Lydia came from somewhere in the back and hugged me. Kasper, sloth, and Sal all came forwards as well.

I immediately pushed away from her and stared around at the room, "What's going on? Why is it so dark in here and why are you all acting weird?"

Kasper was the next one to hug me and I surprisingly didn't push him away because his personality was vey soft and caring so I didn't want to be unreasonably rude to him. "So, you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Max. We believe you and we're looking for a way to get you out of this." Sal spoke up and smacked my back softly.

"Out of what?"

"As soon as we heard we sent Oliver to go look for you. Good thing we got to you before someone else did." Sloth added.

"Can someone just tell me what's going on?!" I asked in a frustrated tone. They were all beating around the bush and it was getting me mad how they wouldn't just say what was going on.

Oliver walked forward and said, "Joshua started a rumor about you."

I looked at Oliver and frowned, "This isn't news?"

"No... This is a new one. He's saying you got him in the bathroom when he was drunk and attacked him that night of the party." Kasper finally told me.

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now