Clinging To Him {Eleven}

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"Remind me again why you need a new phone?" Luca asked me as he drove us towards his father's company after we dropped by the store so I could get a new phone. I was in the passenger seat putting the SD card into the new phone. I got the same model as the one Joshua broke in hopes Nico or Dylan wouldn't notice and then question me.

"Ah, I dropped it and the screen wouldn't work anymore." I said simply. Sure, I could have told Luca that it was all Joshua's fault but where was the fun in that? Besides, I still wasn't sure Luca would really believe me if I ended up telling him too early. I needed to calculate the correct time and have enough evidence on my side before I told Luca anything or else it would end up backfiring.

"Riiight." Luca lengthened the word like he didn't believe me at all. There was no use in raising further suspicion so I didn't add any comment and pretended to be fully invested on my phone.

As I really thought about it, I was kind of surprised that a rich boy like Luca was actually driving. Nico rarely drives himself anywhere ever since George came back to drive for him and even before that I had actually never seen Nico get behind the wheel but then again I guess that wasn't uncommon for a son of the Mafia boss and the heir. It was actually nice for a change to see someone who probably had more than enough money to afford a driver was driving himself places. It made me think that maybe Luca wasn't like the rest of the rich kids I've encountered. Obviously, right? He did confess to liking me after all even with so much money that he could probably get any girl or even guy he wanted that would fit his image more than I ever would.

"Do I have something on my face?" Luca asked and I realized that at some point I had started staring at him.

"No. I'm just a bit astonished that you're driving yourself". I admitted with a small smirk.

Luca glanced at me quickly before returning to look at the road. "I drove us both to get ice cream before." He reminded me.

"Yeah but I hadn't thought about it back then." I shrugged, "Besides, I didn't know you were some actor and model and I sure as hell didn't know that your dad owns Stardust Entertainment before I got in the car with you."

"Fair enough." Luca said with a nod of his head.

"Who's even under the same label? Any famous people I might have heard of?" I asked as I got curious and wanted to know a bit more about Luca and his life as it was clearly different to my life entirely.

"Hm," Luca said as he thought about it for a second, "We have a lot of top class actors. That's kind of what Stardust is known for but my dad's working to release a group of singers within the next few years. They're going through the training process and stuff so maybe two or three years tops?"

"Singers, huh?" I asked, I suddenly got a short flashback to my mom humming and even singing while she cooked. I was never told the story of how my mom and dad met and clearly that wasn't a topic Gregory and I bonded over at all. I did know, however, that mom always wanted to be a singer though that didn't work out because she got pregnant with me but she didn't look upset about it, until she got into drugs of course. Dad was working in the same business as Gregory if I remember correctly. Now, I was too young to really know what his job entailed and Gregory was never one for small talk so the only thing I knew up to now is that he wore a suit everyday to work and that he carried a briefcase, much like those stereotypical dad's on old American television shows.

"I told dad we don't need singers," Luca brought me back from remembering more about my life with my parents, thankfully, and he continued "but apparently he has other plans and he's not willing to listen to some seventeen year old."

Clinging To Him (BoyxBoy) #1.1Where stories live. Discover now