If I Wrote You a Love Song 2

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Farr: I had to see Claire again,something about her just wouldn't leave me alone. Maybe it was her deep blue green eyes or maybe it was her blonde hair. I had to get my hands on her,but how could I if THubb was by her side?

Claire: I couldn't help but think about the look in Farr's face he looked so...so in love. I'm gonna forget about it.

Farr:after sound check I headed backstage and saw Claire,my heart started pounding and I felt my face turnin red. I walked over to the snack table where she was standing tryin to act cool. I reached for some food and of course I drop shit all over the floor.i was so embarrassed! "Here,let me help" she said as she knelt to the ground,I panicked and kneeled fast. I looked up,and she as she picked up the last cracker she looked up. We were face to face,and I wanted to kiss her so bad. But I know I couldn't so I got up and sprinted away to my trailer.

Claire: 'did I smell?or do something wrong?why would he just get up and run away like that?' From a distance I hear,"Hey,babe,how'd you like it?!" Tyler was yelling from stage,he looked at me with this huge grin,"I loved it!" I yelled,looking at him with smile,then turned and looked back to where Farr ran off to.

Farr: I got to my bus and slammed my head against the wall,'what the fuck was that Farr?' I felt like an idiot.

Claire: as the guys finished their set I went to go find Farr,to see if he was ok. I walked to his bus and knocked..."come in" a deep gravely voice said. So I walked in and there he was,alone,standing there with his hands and face against the wall.

Farr: I pull my face away from the wall and see that it's Claire."Claire...what can I do for you?" "How about tell me what the hell happened back there,you either love me or hate me" I looked at her and I just couldn't help my self,I walked over and grabbed her face,and kissed her! She pulled away,"what the hell are you doing?" "Just shut up and kiss me" I said kissing her again. The kiss got more intense,soon my hands were rubbing her back and touching her ass. And to my surprise she wasn't stopping me.

THubb: I finished the set pumped,I ran off stage and walked towards the snack table lookin for Claire,but she wasn't there. "Anyone seen Claire?" I yelled and Bonds answered,"I think I saw her walk towards the bus","thanks Brian" I said as I walked towards the bus. I got to the bus and opened the door,but she wasn't there...

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