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Claire: just as I hang up tyler walks in the kitchen.

"is it weird that I love saying our son's name?" I smile and he walks toward me. he grabs my waist and pulls me in,

"Blake Levi Farr, has a nice ring doesnt it?" I love hearing the little guys name to be honest, its all real now, we can set up the nursery and when I have a baby shower we can ask for boy stuff. I love baby clothes, especially boys clothes, so cute.

"I love hearing you say his name" tyler sounded so cute saying it, i loved it. 

"hey, so I have some ideas for the nursery babe" I grab some pictures ans paint swatches and show him. I tried to do anything to keep my mind of tyler hubbard.

Farr: I love when claire has ideas for the house. she has good taste and has a passion for interior design. she pulls out ideas for the nursery, there are: camo rooms, simple grey and white, and a rodeo room. I know which one shes gonna pick,

"sweetheart,"I kiss her lips and look into her blue eyes,

"pick whichever idea you want, I support whatever room you'll pick" I say pulling the picture of the grey and white one up

"how'd you..." she says in a surprise

"because I know you" I laugh and head toward the fridge

Claire: its crazy how well tylers gotten to know me, its like we've known each other forever and its perfect. I loved the idea of a simple nursery, grey and white, maybe thick stripes on one wall.I have so many ideas! I couldnt shake the thought of ty...what if he starts texting me more or calling me or showing up at my house? he's persistent when he sets his mind to it. I didnt wanna hide this from tyler, and knew I shouldnt, hes not gonna be happy about this...

"hey babe, so I got a text from a random number, and it turns out it was from tyler..." he turns around and squints his eyes,

"what did it say?"

"he thinks the baby is his, and isnt gonna stop till he knows,he wants another dna test and he said he still loves me..." maybe I should have left that part out, but part of our relationship is telling the truth and being honest.

"are fucking kidding me?" his voice gets really gravelly when he gets mad

"babe, I didnt write him back or anything, you know I love you" he licks his lips and runs his fingers through his hair and stands there in silence, finally he speaks,

"you know what, let him think what he wants, but if he steps foot near my house, then we'll have a problem"

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