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Claire: The concert was about to start and we all heading back stage. Tyler Farr went on first, then colt ford.

Farr: My set just ending and colt was on next. I wanted to run up to Claire but I knew I couldn't. I had to wait. Maybe till when the Tyler was on stage. But I had to make my move tonight.

Claire: An hour passes and Tyler and BK are ready to go on stage. I was so excited for them! it was there first stop on there first headlining tour and I was there to witness it! Just then Farr comes up to me and grabs me. He pulls me into a back room and shuts the door. " What...what are you doing" I say as I pull my arm away from him. "You know what Claire, ive loved you from the moment I saw you, I know that sounds cheesy..." He runs his hand across his mouth and rubs his beard then continues," Choose me,pick me as your man" He says grabbing me in close, "ill have no problem calling you my girlfriend, or hell even my wife, if it comes to that" He looks into my eyes, and I can feel my heart melting for this guy I barely know. His eyes were a blue like ive never seen before and his facial hair was...was just sexy. He went in for a kiss and I went in for it too. Before I know it, weve been making out the whole show. I can hear FGL doing Cruise, and that's the last song. "Shit!" I pulled my face away from his and he just pulled me in,"darlin', don't worry, no ones gonna find us" and I believed him. Five minutes later the door opens and it was Tyler!

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