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Farr: I head for the door ty went out and make sure I catch up with him. its about time we settle all this. I get to the door and let it swing open. I look around and ty is leaning against the brick wall.

"if you have a problem, lets solve this right now..." i walk towards him with my arms strectched out.

"I know its about me and not claire! I know you want that baby to be yours, but guess what its not, its mine and she's mine. damn(I chuckle)...how did you manage to lose a girl like her. god I love her more than anything.oh and by the way that ring on her left hand, means we're gettin married" ty looks up at me and I can I struck a nerve.

"you know what asshole, she was mine until you stole her from me, and slept with her, you made her kiss you and then sleep with you what kind of a man does that? huh?" he gets off the wall now and we are standing a foot away from each other

"your forgeting one little detail pal, she wanted it, the kiss, the sex...all of it.but hey can you blame her when shes got you runnin off everytime you fight?" he gets in my face now

"your a liar!"

"wish I was man, but its all true, guess that explains why the babys mine" he looks at the ground, and runs his fingers through his hair.

I head for the door, just then I feel the back of my shirt get grabbed...

Claire: I hear them yelling and it doesnt sound good.I wanna go out there but I dont wanna get hurt if punches start flying. I turn to BK,

"Brian, I know your on a date and all, but thubb and tyler just went out that back door. I heard a bunch of yelling and now its quiet, and I dont think they're hugging it out"

"shit..."he gets up and runs toward the door and Meredith sits there in shock

  "claire! is that you?"

"hey mere! listen we'll catch up soon but right now my fiance is in a fight" I hug her then go after bk.

I get out there and bk is next to ty whos on the floor. I look for tyler and he's on the floor too. I run over to him,

"god tyler, are you ok?" I rub the bruise on his fist then kiss him. he kisses back with so much passion.

"im alright sweetheart, dont worry about me" I help him up and we leave.

I look behind me as I walk away and I see tyler wiping a tear away from his eye. I turn around and keep on walking

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