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Farr: I layed her on the bed, took off her shoes and placed pillows all around for comfort. but she kept crying,

"claire, what happened with ty?" she looked up and me and between catching her breath and crying, she got out,

  "he...got mad...and left" she wipped her eyes and tried to calm down,

  "he knows about us hooking up, the baby and that i have feelings for you..." I climbed on the bed and took her in my arms.

"its all gonna be alright sweetheart" I didnt know for sure but I had to say it to comfort her. I cant believe tyler walked out on her again! especially if its his damn baby in there! she layed snuggled under my chin, I hope my facial hair wasnt botherin her.

"want me to turn somethin on?" I picked up the remote,

"its Wednesday. .." she looked up,

  "duck dynasty!" its the one thing all night ive seen her excited over. I love the Robertson family, there like kin.

Claire: laying in tylers arms felt right, I even noticed my self not really calling him Farr anymore. with everything thats goin on, he still manages to be there for me 24/7. its unbelievable how kind he is to me and the baby. as I watch tv, my eyes wander around his room. I see his suitcase, with clothes all around it, and lots of hats. then I look around somemore, and he has baby stuff he seems to accumulating. theres clothes, bottles, a body pillow thats in a box. I look up at him, and just look at him, he's perfect. hes cuddling with me, watching my favorite show and making sure I feel safe. hes all I could ask for right now.

Tyler: I didnt know where to go, and I didnt wanna go far, so I headed to BKs room. I knock on his door and he opens it almost right away. he opens the door smiling, then sees that I had tear lies down my cheeks.

"T, what happened man? is it claire? oh man dont tell me its the baby? just get in here" i walked in and he put his hand on my back pushin me in faster

"sit down, want anything? water? fireball?" I pointed to the water. I didnt wanna be drunk right now, as sad as I was I didnt wanna do anything stupid. I had to just get my feelings out there and bk is the only one who knows me better than I know myself.

"so T, what happened?" he asked as he sat down in the chair across from the bed I was sitting on. he handed me the water, I took a sip, then set it down.

  "remeber that night I say Farr kissin claire? and I stormed off, and you followed me?" he nodded his head

  "well that night, they had sex, and apparently they cant remember if they used a condom or not"

"oh shit..." he now leaned down in the chair

  "so theres a good chance that baby isnt even mine. the only hope I have is me and claire had sex that night and I know we didnt use anything"

"damn ty! what are you gonna do if its Farr's baby?" I shook my head,

  "ill let them be together, that baby needs a father and as much as I wanna be that father figure, I dont know if I can...after all thats happened..." bk hugged me and patted my back

"honestly man, I dont know how you arent beating that guys ass right" I chuckled

  "I cant, she has feelings for him..." bks mouth dropped

"god damn T!" he sat back down

"so if its yours, your stickin around right? cause if you dont, ill kick your ass" he laughs,

  "of course man, ill be around"

"well wheres claire now?"

  "I left her, back in the room...but who knows she might be long gone by now" I put my head by my knees and just sat there.

"you can stay here tonight" bk handed me an extra pillow and let me sleep in the second bed.

Farr: I wake up, and see claire still sleeping, so I get out of bed quietly, and order some breakfast. I walk into the bathroom to call room service so I dont wake her up. I order pancakes, eggs, hashbrowns and toast with all kinds of jelly. then some milk and orange juice to go with it. I wanted everything to be perfect!

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