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Farr: if the kid was mine I wanted to propose, or at least be in the kids life after all a kid needs both parents.

Claire: I walked back to tyler and he grabbed my hand.everyone was still talking to him.

"well me and claire should go lay down before I gotta go write"

Everyone hugged me then went on with their day. we get to our room and tyler opens the door for me. then helps me sit and offers to take my boots off for me.

"I dont want you doin anything to strain yourself beautiful" I look at him and smile.

  "Ty you know im only a few months pregnant, I probably wont really show for another two months, your gonna look whipped" he laughs and takes my boots off.

"well babe, I dont care, I know you got my baby in there and thats all that matters" I smiled but I had to talk to him about Farr. 

A few hours later:

Tyler: I hated leaving her but I had to go write.

"ill be back in a few hours babe, ill text you.if your gonna go and walk around dont strain yourself, please?"

  "ok ty" she said walking over to kiss me

"I love you, and I love you too" I said leaning down to talk to her stomach

  "we love you too" she said stroking my hair.

I look up, kiss her, kiss her stomach then leave to go write.

Farr: I wanted to talk to Claire again, now that the news has set in. so I walked to her room, I looked around to make sure no one was around then knocked. then I heard her beautiful voice,

"one second..." then she came to the door

  "hey, sweetheart, can we talk?" she looked me up and down then opened the door all the way moving to the side.

  "when you gonna start showin'?" I asked pointin to ger stomach

"in a month or two actually" she said as she rubbed her stomach.

  "can I touch it?" i said, and she walked toward me

"sure go ahead" she grabbed my hand and put it in her stomach and pushed it down

  "I cant wait to feel it move" I said smiling, as soon as I said it I looked up

  "maybe I shouldn't have said that" she shook her head.

"tyler, if its yours I dont know what im gonna do" she sat down on the bed and rubbed her hand across her forehead.

Claire: tyler walked towards me and kneeled between my legs, and put his hands on my thighs.

"sweetheart," he ran his fingers through my hair, " lets go get married and have the baby together, ill be the best daddy youve ever seen" his gravelly voice actually sounded serious and not sarcastic.

  "tyler, you know im with ty, and for all he knows its his, and I mean it verily well could be! I mean we had sex the same night as me and you" he turned his head and looked at the ground, was he actually sad about that?

"claire, if its my baby in there, you better do the right thing by that kid, he needs his father" he got up kissed my stomach, then forehead and walked to the door, he looked back at me,

"your it for me claire, you and that baby, your it! I love you!" I couldnt believe it

He walked out and I just started crying.

If he was the father, theres no way I could keep him away from it, its his rights and I know how it feels to grow up with out a father in my life, its terrible. I couldnt let my child witness that.But what would I do about ty? would he even stay with me if I told him? if he needs time to think about it I would understand and give him his space.  I had to find a way to get a DNA test without them knowing, or at least without ty knowing...maybe farr would go with me?

Farr: I had to know the truth, because not knowing killed me. I wanted her and that baby.I just had a feeling it was mine. just then i felt my phone buzz, it was a text, from..claire?

<hey farr, I wanna get a dna test done, and I wanna know if youd go with?>

<of course sweetheart, when?>

<well ty has to write more tomorrow, so tomorrow? ill make the appointment>

<sure, come to my room when its time to go, room 314>

I cant believe she wants me to go, then again im the only one who knows about the two possible fathers.

Tyler: I couldnt wait to get back to my babys. all I wanted to do was lay in bed and rub my girl's stomach.  I cant wait to be a dad, I know its so sudden but I love claire and that baby more than anything,thats all that matters. when I got to the room she was already sleeping, so I climbed in bed with her and cuddled till I fell asleep.

Claire: good he fell for it, I thought.as soon as I heard his little snore I knew he was asleep.I went to my purse and grabbed a cotton swab.I swabbed his mouth then put it in a small container. then dozed off to sleep.

The next morning:

Claire: I showed up at Farr's room and before I knew it we were at the hospital and they were swabbing his mouth. then it was the babys turn and I was nervous.  they had to stick a huge needle into my stomach and I hate needles.

"here sweetheart," tyler said grabbing my hand.

"im here for you"he held my hand and leaned over putting his face in mine so I wouldnt look at the needle. the doctor counted to three, then started

"oh god, that hurts so bad!!" I said squeezing his hand and starting to cry.

  "its alright claire" he said brushing my hair back and then wipping my tears

  "damn, I hate seeing you in pain" I could see tears forming in his eyes

"alright, its over, please no heavy lifting or sex for a few days" the doctor said

"we will have the results in a day or two" the doctor said as she bandaged me up and helped Farr sit me up.

This is gonna be the longest two days of my life.

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