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Claire: I laid in the doorway sobbing, I heard footsteps behind me and it was Farr. I looked up and saw him kneeling down. He grabbed me but I kept pushing him away. "you made me hurt him! You made him leave!" he looked and me and tried  to grab me again "oh sweetheart, if he cared as much as I do, he wouldn't have left you cryin' here, alone" He sounded so caring, "You know Claire, I didn't mean to ruin what you had with Ty, all I wanted was for you to pick me" I pushed him away but all he did was grab me in closer, and this time I didn't fight it. Farr's words kept replaying in my head as I cried on his chest, 'if he cared as much as i do, he wouldn't have left you cryin'' he was right! I looked up into his blue eyes and he wiped away the tears rolling down my face. This time i went in for the kiss.

Farr: Am i dreamin'? Claire is goin in for the kiss this time? well hell...im not complaining. I helped her stand up then carried her to my bus. I set her on the bed and we got back to kissin'. I wanted her, all of her and I wanted it tonight. I started lovin on her and she was lovin on me. She wasn't pullin away or pushing me off, so i went for it.

An Hour Later:

Tyler: BK and I finished talking as the sun was coming up and I realized I was wrong for runnin off and leaving Claire, but I had to get away from Farr before I kicked his ass back to last week! So I let BK go and headed to the store. I had to show Claire how sorry I was for assuming and for running out on her so I bought her roses and chocolate, then headed back to the bus.

Claire: I woke up in Farr's arms, 'shit!' I thought, 'I gotta get back before Ty does' so I grabbed my clothes, got dressed and ran to our bus. I went to the bathroom, washed my face and but my sweats and old concert t-shirt then laid on the couch. Just then Ty walked in with roses and chocolate. "hey baby,listen, im really sorry about last night, I shouldn't have left you and I regret every minute of it, please forgive me?" he handed me the chocolates and put the roses in a mason jar after cutting the stems. "those are beautiful Ty" I said looking at the roses. "aren't they? only the best for my girlfriend" he smiled. 'wait GIRLFRIEND?' I thought, he's never called me that. "listen Claire, after last night ive realized a lot of things and the most important thing is I want you to be mine, and only mine, be my girlfriend?" I looked at him in shock and said...

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