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Farr: as I drove to the hotel all I could think about was Claire, I couldnt imagine how she was feeling right now. I was happy to go with her today, but I never thought id see her go through so much, all that pain, I wish I could have gone through that for her and the baby. i look to my left and shes leaning against the door lookin out the window.

"claire..."she looked at me and I pulled of to the side of the road not to far from the hotel.

"lets get out and go for a walk" i got out and walked around to the other side and opened her door then helped her out.she made faces cause she had discomfort from the procedure. 

  "farr, what are we doing here?" lucky for me there was a beautiful mountain view.

"you know claire, ived loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you, and I know I havent made the best decisions lately, but thats all about to change..." I grabbed her hand

"sweetheart, I talked to your momma yesterday, and told her how in love I was with you, we chatted and I asked for her blessin to do this..." I got down on one knee, adjusted my ball cap so I could see her, then reached in my shirt pocket and pulled out a ring. as i looked at her, her jaw dropped,


"claire, I love you and if thats my baby, I wanna be by your side every step of the way, will you marry me sweetheart?"

"now I know you probably wanna think about it, maybe talk to ty about the baby first and see what happens.."I stood up and put my hands on her shoulders,

"as much as you dont wanna admit it, you have feelins for me, I can tell" I looked in her gorgeous blue eyes and I went in for a kiss. it was passionate, I could tell she loved me too.after all how could she not, we shared more than her and ty did.

Claire: his kiss was amazing, and I know I shouldnt think so, but I knew deep down I did love him.I mean how could I not. maybe being with Farr wouldnt be the end of the world, after all he did look damn good in that ball cap and button up. i needed time to talk to ty, and think about the proposal. the ring was a gorgeous princess cut with a thin band, perfect for my small fingers.he put so much effort into us and that maybe me love him even more.

Farr: we get back in the truck and head to the hotel, I park far,help her out and give her some time before I start walkin back.I looked at the ground and shuffled my boots, I wanted her to say yes, but I wouldnt be surprised if she said no. her and ty seemrd happy, but what kind of relationship could they have if she wasnt tellin him bout the baby and about that night, that great night. I smiled like an idiot thinkin about it.

Claire: I get back to the room and wait for ty to come back. he walks in with a big grin

"hey baby's..." he said walking up to me, I was sittin on the bed and looking at him with a serious face.

  "tyler, we need to talk" he must be so scared right now cause I only call him tyler when its serious. he sits beside me,

"claire...whats wrong?" I could see the worry in his eyes,I looked at the ground and rubbed my tiny bump,

"claire, baby, you know you can tell me anything..." I knew I could except, this wasnt just anything...

  "...well ty, you remember that night you left me cryin in the door way?" he shook his head

  "well that night I hooked up with tyler farr, and I mean all the way, hooked up..." now I could see tears welling in is eyes,

  "and we cant remember if we used a condom..." he stood up and yelled

"damnit claire!!" he hit a bottle of water off the dresser and tears came rolling down his face

"so what your saying is that baby might not even be mine! we fucking had sex that same god damn night!" he looked so tall when he was mad,

  "ty, im so sorry" I was balling now and could barely see from the tears,

"im gonna kick his fucking ass!" he headed for the door,

  "tyler no!" I yelled and he stopped and looked back at me,

"you love him dont you claire!"he backed up and slid down the door and hit the ground

  "I never wanted to hurt you like this tyler, I love you and you know that!" I crawled toward him and he just help his hand out,

  "I cant even look at you right now claire!" he got up slow and left.

I took my phone out and texted Farr,

<I told ty...>

<howd it go sweetheart? > I read it and threw my phone down. I could hear my phone buzzing but I left it, all I could do was cry and cry. I curled in a ball and balled my eyes out

Farr: claire wasnt writing me back or answering my phone calls, something had be wrong.so I sprinted to her room and banged on the door,

"claire!, claire!...are you alright, open the door..." no answer

"god damit, open the door!" I hit the door hard with my fist. this time I heard movement, she opened the door, and I could see she had been crying,

"ohh sweetheart..." I opened my arms and she fell into them, we slowly went to the ground and there she cried into my shoulder as I stroked her hair.

"come on claire, lets go back to my room" I picked her up, went in the room, grabbed her prenatal pills and took her to my room. she couldnt stay alone tonight.

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