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Claire: I looked back and saw his face of disgust and sorrow. He ran and i went after him. I could feel Farr reaching for me but i had to go after Tyler. "Tyler!...Tyler wait!" i yelled as i chased him, Soon Bk was next to him trying to calm him down.

BK: "Ty, what happened?...Come on just talk to me", "not now man..." he just kept running till he reached a truck and drove off. I got in mine and followed him as best i could

Tyler: I got in the truck, cranked the radio and just drove, i didnt care where i just had to get away from that venue as fast as i could. what did i do wrong? was i not enough for her? why was she in some back rome suckin face with Farr? We  took his ass in, under our wing, and let him come on tour with us! God damn it! i slammed my hand  on the stearing wheel. I could feel the rage and jealousy filling my body, it had consumed me.

BK: i followed Tyler to some parking lot. He had parked the truck and was just sitting in the car, in the dark. I parked my truck, got out and walked over to him. i knocked on the window and opened the passenger side. "Wanna tell me why the fuck you just took off like that?" he looked up and i could see tears welling in his eyes,"its about Claire isnt it?" i asked, he shook his head, "damn...what happened?" i wondered."Farr!", "Tyler Farr?" i questioned, "He was holding my girl and kissing her, not just some peck on the lips,full on make out" He hit the wheel, and set his face back down on it, putting his hands and arms on the dash. "How could this happen? it looked like he hated her the way hes been acting while shes around. Maybe he was playing it cool or pretending just to get close to her.Maybe he started it?" "Oh im sure of it!" His voice had more anger than ive ever heard from him before.

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