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THubb: we walk down stairs and join the party. everyone was there. I even got claires sister to come in with her nephew. she loved her nephew more than anything as if he was her own. hunter was almost a year old and he was adorable. he had blonde hair and blue eyes, he was perfect. I hope blake turns out just as cute.

"welcome to the club man" bonds says as he pats me on the back,

"oh thanks! I cant wait to be married, now all you gotta do is have a kid bonds" he laughs and walks away.

bk: "congrats T! im so happy for you!" he gives me a hug and pats my back, everyone surrounds me and congratulations me.

Claire: my sister runs up to me and gives me the biggest hug, shes got hunter on her hip and right away I take him to give him a kiss and hug.

"claire, you look so beautiful!"

"thanks katie!when did you get in?"

"lastnight! ty paid for the hotel for last night but is letting us stay with you guys"

"yay! so jasons working?"

"yah, he sends his love though"

everyone slowly surrounds me to look at my ring, and I didnt mind showing it off.

a few hours later:

THubb: everyone slowly begins to leave and claire goes up stairs to lay down and catch up with katie. im about to walk up stairs and I hear claire yell,

"ummm ty!"

"claire....whats wrong?"

I run up and shes standing in the middle of the bathroom,

"my water broke!"

I start panicking and freaking out,

"ok, ok, all the bags are packed....um in the car...uh kaite...hunter" I mumble words as I run around the room to get everything downstairs. 

Katie: "its like blake knew I was here, he wants to meet his auntie!" she says going to claire to help her get downstairs. I grab hunter and hold him on my hip as I carry the bags downstairs. I take them to the car and put hunter in his seat. katie grabs the car seat for the baby and hooks in place. we all get in and drive.

Claire: we get to the hospital and asked for our booked room.we've been ready for blake for some time now. we get to the room and get settled in. katie and ty make all the phone calls to our family and friends. blake was on his way finally!

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