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Farr: I get out of the shower, and let claire finish. I throw on basketball shorts and a plain tshirt. just then the door bell rings, I dry my hair with my towel and head downstairs . I throw the towel in the laundry room and go to the door. I can see a outline of a man but, i dont know who it is so I open the door. it was ty...

Claire: I hear the door bell and assume tyler will get it, its quiet then I hear yelling, I hear tylers deep voice and another mans voice but not sure whos. I quickly throw on sweats and one of tylers tshirts and go downstairs. I didnt even have time to take the towel out of my hair. I can hear the other voice and I automatically know who it is...


"what the hell are you doin on my property?"

"Im checking on claire..."

"she's fine, cant you tell? she didn't respond to you cause clearly she doesnt wanna talk to you"

"then tell me why she spent the night at my house two nights ago?"

"thats it..." as i go to punch him, claire gets in between us,

  "guys, what the hell?!" neither one of us said anything, then ty opens his mouth,

"I came to check on you" 

  "im fine ty, thanks for coming, you can go home now" she pushed me behind her then shut the door. she turns and looks at me expecting an explanation,

"baby, he just..."

"tyler, dont let him get to you"

THubb: I get to my truck and head home, I knew I shouldnt have shown up at his house. god im so stupid. she's gonna hate me now...

Claire: I roll my eyes at tyler and head back up to the bathroom to dry my hair.

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