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THubb: I walk outside and send a text to claire,

<hey claire, since the baby is mine, maybe we can work something out, I want you back in my life. I want to be a family with you my son. he needs a complete family and not shared custody. i dont want him to have a stepdad, and a stepmom. I want him to just have a mommy and a daddy. the only person I love more than that little guy is you claire.>

I expected no response, yet, I got one

<you know im married right? tyler has been there for me when no one else seemed to be. he has loved me more than ive ever known. and he never runs out without telling me where he goes when we argue.blake has a mommy and a daddy.me and tyler>

<claire, I will get you back one way or another, just wait and see ;)>

I got no reply to that text. she must be rethinking her marriage.  I know she still loves me, its just finding a way to prove it...

Claire: who does ty think he is, flirting with me and telling me he wants me back...I love tyler...I mean I will always love ty, but he hurt me, and god knows I've hurt him...I dont know if we could ever just pick up where we left off...

Farr: maybe its best if I let them just be together. blake deserves to have both parents. I know claire didnt grow up with a dad and I know thats the one thing she wants for blake. so why not give it to her. if you love something set it free right.

The Next Morning:

Claire: I wake up, and tyler isnt in bed, it looks like he never even slept next to me. I walk down stairs and look for him. i see a piece of paper lying on the island in the kitchen, it was from tyler, it read,

"in the envelope are divorce papers, I love you claire, and blake.the one thing you want for him is a dad, and that I cant give him. Tylers the dad, and he's the one you should be with. I love you more than anything sweetheart and hope you understand that. this is the hardest thing ive ever had to do"

tears came streaming down my face. I can't believe this is happening!  my phone rings and I dont bother to see who it is, I just pick it up,


"dont sound so excited claire" it was THubb

"honestly ty, im not in the mood"

"Claire, whats wrong I can hear the sadness in your voice"

"tyler signed divorce papers, he doesnt wanna come between the baby and his real father"

he must have been trying to hide his excitement

"oh god claire, I never wanted that to happen" but I knew its what he wanted from the start

"im coming to get you, you shouldnt be alone in that house, crying.that cant be good for our son"

he asked for the address and for some reason I gave it to him

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