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THubb: I drive back to the studio and right away the guys wanna know what happened. bk and bonds get to me first,

"T what happened?"

"ya, ty, how'd it go seeing claire? " bonds asks

"B, Bonds, ill tell you guys, give me a second.get the guys and ill share"

Bk and Bonds get sean, tom, justin and kev. they sit and look at me waiting for the all the details.

"well I get there and wait for them to get inside before I go in, then I see that they actually got married..."

"oh man T" bk gives me that look that he knows just how bad that had to have killed me to see.

"well and guess what the babys a boy, and they've named him"

"damn dude!thats awesome, that could be your little man, he'd look so damn cute with a mohawk" bonds says with excitement, I laugh then continue my story,

"they even named him, Blake Levi Farr"

"well at least its a good name and not weird" sean chimes in

"yea, its a good name, but guys, I couldnt take the way they looked at eachother. ot killed me. I still love that girl more than anything!I almost broke down seeing that rock on her finger...god damn..." its even hard to talk about

"I should be the one doing all these things with her, the doctor appointments, naming him, and decorating a nursery..." I sit down and the guys try to comfort me.

Farr: hopefully after all this we can finally move on. tyler needs to get over claire and the baby. they are mine. I wanted to surprise claire. ive actually been doing the nursery while shes out, or sleeping or just watching tv. I finished it last night and thought it would be a good idea to show it to her after the test today.I blindfold her and walk her up the stairs,

"babe, why do I have to blindfolded? what are you up too?"

"sweetheart, just be quiet, you'll see" she laughs and I open the door and take the blindfold off,

"surprise!" I watch her expression. she gets the biggest smile and starts crying,

"why are you crying sweetheart?" I take her into a hug,

"its perfect tyler! everything about it!"

Claire: I cant stop the tears from falling. the nursery had grey walls, with striped curtains and Blake's name was on the wall in white letters. there was a picture of me and tyler and then one of the sonogram framed on the dresser next to the white crib. there was a chevron recliner and a white changing table next to the chair. the closet had some clothes and I walked over to see them. there was an infant onesie that said,"daddy's biggest fan" it was all so perfect!

"babe, I love it! I cant wait to sit in here with him"

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