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Farr: claire was either still sleeping or ignoring me, I had to see her, so I shoot her another text,

<hey baby, if your at your moms, im coming to see you! I have to see you, hear your voice, hug you, and kiss you...>

Claire: I see that theres another text from tyler, I read it and right away I panicked! I had to get home or to my moms, he cant find out where I am!

"ty, you gotta take me to my moms, like now" I struggle to get up, but bk helps me

"why, whats wrong?"

"tyler, he cant know im here, it will make things worse for all of us. he's still my husband"

"sure ill go start the car" his expression went from happy to upset in a minute. I felt bad, It kills me to treat these guys this way. as he goes to start the car, I call my mom,


"Claire, honey, whats wrong!"

"mom im at tys and tyler cant know...he signed divorce papers last night and I broke down, ty was there for me, he picked me up and we went to his house...tyler thinks im with you, and he wants to see me, sooo im on my way over"

I hear a honk and I walk towards the door.bonds and bk decide to help me.these guys think im not capable of doing anything because im pregnant.

THubb: the ride to her moms house was quiet. I hated helping her out to benefit farr, but she's right, they are still married. thats one thing I cant do. I was raised to respect marriages,but this time it killed me.

Claire: we get to my moms house, and she's standing at the door waiting. she comes out to ty's truck,helps me down then gives me a big hug,

"claire, you look beautiful! your glowing! pregnancy sure looks good on you"

"thanks mom, have you heard from tyler?" tyler and my mom have gotten real close since we got engaged and married, she really loved him.

"yah, actually he called me a few minutes ago saying he would be here in a few minutes"

"good, I have time to wash my face and throw my hair up"

we walk in and it smells amazing! she made me french toast, she makes the best french toast!

"I hope you and my grandson are hungry"

"starved mom, thank you" I give my mom another hug then go to the bathroom to wash my face.

Farr: as I drive to moms house, I think of all the situations that could happen. she could take me back, or she could leave me and sign the divorce papers...god I hope thats not the case. a few minutes later I get to her moms house and I dont see her car. mom must have came and gotten her yesterday. I park and walk to the door. my heart was racing and I knock,

"come in..." I hear from the other side

I walk in and see claire sitting at the breakfast bar. she looked so gorgeous with her hair up and no makeup. god I love her. I nearly run to her and she stands,

"sweetheart, im so sorry!"

"hey tyler" I kiss her and dont let her go,

"I never wanna let you go! you and blake were all I could think about last night...I even slept in the nursery" her mom chimes in,


"yah, we named him" claire says and her mom squeals and jumps up and down,

"blake levi farr" I say and I look at claire she has a big smile on her face

"baby, please forgive me! come home!"


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