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A Few Months Later:

Claire: im 9 months pregnant today, I cant believe how fast time has flown by. Farr and I are no longer together. he couldnt get over ty being the father. I dont blame him though. he wants the baby to have a dad. ty and i are trying to make it work. I moved in with him and the guys are always around with their wifes and girlfriends.  ty has been spasing about baby proofing and making sure the nursery was done. he had done a bunch of research on babys and buying car seats and strollers.  he's been amazing.

THubb: claire and I have been dating for about two months now and I wanted to propose. I know she just got out of a marriage and all but when blake comes into the world, I want us all to be a family officially.  tonight was the night. I asked the guys to help me pick out a ring while michelle and Meredith kept claire occupied.  I picked out a vintage set ring with a beautiful band. I couldnt wait to ask her. I thought about doing it while surprising her with the nursery. ive been doing it behind her back and i know its a risk, but hey, I can handle it. it was a rockstar nursey filled with a bunch of fgl stuff. I was gonna lead her into the room and as she looked around id get down on one knee behind her...its gonna be perfect!

Claire: ty had gone out shopping with bonds and bk while michelle, meredith and I just hung around the house. I loved the girls, they knew how it felt being with a star and we could all relate. ty gets back and everyone leaves, which seemed weird but i didnt think to much of it. ty lead me upstairs and stopped in front of a door. he opended it and revealed the nursery. I walked in slowly and took it all it, it was red,white and blue and had fgl all over. there was a black crib with a bear with a mohawk(I knew who that was from). there was a mini drum set (from sean..just guessing)in the corner near a toy bench and a huge rocking recliner that was customized with Blake's name. then on the walls there was a picture of the band holding up the letters b.l.a.k.e it was adorable!  then the other picture was me and ty, where ty was kissing my stomach. both pictures had black framed and white matting. as I turn around to hug ty, he gets down on one knee and pulls a ring out of his vest,

"claire, we've been through so much, that only made us stronger. if was up to me, I would have proposed a long time ago. claire, I love you so much, and ill love that little guy almost just as much, but not as much as ill love his mommy. claire, would you do me the honor and make me your husband?"  I start crying as I nod and he gets up and holds me, he pulls away to slip the ring on my finger and then give me the biggest kiss. as we walk downstairs, i hear

"congratulations!" everyone was in the living room hold up wine glasses. he even flew in my sister from outta state. I cant believe it!

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