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Farr: I get in the shower then throw on a long sleeve tan shirt and nice dark jeans. I leave my ball cap off and do my hair. I spike it but messy style. then walk out of the bathroom. I see claire on the bed eating chocolate.

"sweetheart, you know we're goin out in a few to get food right, the wings you wanted?"

"oh I know, this is just a snack, eating for two remember"

claire was slowly starting to show and I loved it, I loved seeing her stomach grow.

"well are you ready?" I ask and she nods her head

"well lets go" I help her up and we head down to the car.

we get to the bar and sit at the table. as I walk towards the bar to order a beer I see bk at the bar, I knew ty must have been close cause they are always together. shit. this isnt gonna end good.

BK: I make conversation with Meredith and my eyes wander around the bar, I look at T and can see he isnt havin fun and then I see Farr walking up to the end of the bar. tonight was gonna be interesting! 

Claire: as tyler gets us drinks I watch him walk to the bar, he had a nice ass, mmm, I loved it. then I see him go to the end of the bar instead of going to the open part close to him. then I see bk, and ty. bk has some girl with him and she looks familiar! oh my god! its Meredith! they actually got to together! im so happy for them! I hope bk doesnt hate me for all this, hes like a brother to me and I dont want him to hate me. ty looks terrible, I can tell he's drunk and it kills me inside. I have to talk to him. I get up and walk towards him, I see tyler watching me from the end of the bar. and I dont mind I dont intend for anything to happen.

"hey ty, can we talk?" he looks at bk as if he was the one that asked me to be here. bk shakes his head and says,

"wasnt me man" he turns and keeps talking to Meredith.

"sure why the hell not" he wasnt drunk enough to where his words slurred.

I try to hide my ring but he ends up seeing it,

"we havent been done for a month and your engaged, guessing its farrs huh?" I look down at my ring and keep my head down,

"is that basterd here?" he looks around but seems to not notice farr in his drunken stupor.

"ty thats not why I wanna talk to you"

he stares at me and waits for what I have to say,

"the baby is tylers, its not yours and when I found out I was so sad, I felt empty. I wished it was yours, but tyler is so good to me! and id be lying if I said I didnt love him, because I do. a lot actually. hes already preparing for the baby and he really cares about me, hes never left me crying alone" he looks at his feet and bites his lip,

"you know what claire, I was already picking out names and telling the gang that it was mine, now I look like the fool because it was never mine in the first place"

"you know what claire, I cant deal with this right now" he bumps my shoulder as he walks away and right away tyler is by my side,

"you ok sweetheart, did he hurt you"

"no tyler he didnt"

"stay here" he kisses me then heada for the same ty went out...

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