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Farr: I tell the waiter to set the food outside the door so they didnt wake claire up by knocking or anything. i wanted her to sleep. shes been through so much lately between me,ty and the baby. today was the day the test results were suppost to come back and we will find out who the father is. truth is im nervous as hell. i have a gut feelin it could be tylers and not mine. and if thats the case i guess ill have to live with it...

Half Hour Later:

Claire:I wake up and smell something amazing! its one of the first mornings i can wake up and smell food without puking! I look around me and theres food all over the bed on trays with milk and orange juice, i smile then look for tyler. i heard the toilet flush and he comes walkin out,   

"Tyler...did you do this?" i ask

 "yep" he walks over to the side of the bed with all the food and says,

"i didnt know what you liked in the morning so i ordered some of everything, yet, kept it simple" he smiles his crooked smile then takes a piece of toast and bites it.   

"you didnt have to tyler.." he interupts me,

 "no, sweetheart, i wanted to" he kisses my forehead then sits in the chair across from the bed.   

Mid bite, my heart drops and i remeber that today was the day...the day we get the test results back. I had no clue when it was gonna happen either which sucked.

After breakfast we layed in bed and watched netflix.just then my phone rings...it was the hospital.

"hello" i answered

 "hello, is this Claire?"

"this is she" 

 "how are you doing claire?"

"ive been alright,thanks"

 "good to hear, well claire the test results have come back and it looks like the father is...."

"alright thank you" i hung up and tyler wouldnt stop staring at me

 "well babydoll, whos is it?"

"its...yours..." my heart sank for ty, i knew he wanted to be the dad. he already felt like the dad. i didnt know how i was going to tell him or how he would react. Tylers face lit up though, he couldnt have been more happy!

 "really?! its mine?" he stood up and lifted his ball cap up and smoothed his hair back then put it back on

"are you ready for this?" i ask.

 "damn right i am!" he yelled

 i knew i should be happy, but there was apart of me that wasnt. cause i still loved ty...but i had to do right by this baby. i wanted his/her real father in its life.

"you still got that ring?and is the propsal still on the table?" i smiled at him and he got this huge grin on his face. he went in his suitcase grabbed the ring then got down on one knee once again

 "id propose to you everyday for the rest of my life sweetheart...will you marry me?"

"yes!" i said, he put the ring on and instantly i felt bad. i hadnt even talked to ty yet...

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