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Claire: I wake up on a couch, and im not quite sure where I am. my eyes are all puffy and hard to open, I feel a kiss on my forehead,

"goodmorning baby girl" tyler was sittin underneath my head, I must have fallen asleep on his lap.

"where are we?" i asked in a daze

"my house, well the one in Nashville" he answers.

I nod my head and sit up. right away I check my phone for some kind of word from tyler. there was a text,

<sweetheart, I love you, dont ever think that I dont, I miss you, and blake, please talk to me, I feel like I made a mistake signing those papers...> I put my phone down and locked it, I wanted to let him think some more before I write him back. all the sudden the guys come walking down the stairs and up from the basement,

"ty, what are they doin here?"

"they wanted to make sure you had everything you needed and if you needed something they wanted me to be here for you..." all the guys come walking up to us,

bk: claire your gettin huge, but you look beautiful

claire:well im almost six months, so Im gonna be big, and thanks b

bk laughs, and then hugs me

bonds: did ty tell you, im given your kid a badass mohawk...he's gonna be so fuckin cute

I smile and laugh

claire:you know what bondsy, I wouldnt mind a mohawk

he gets a huge smile on his face makes a 'yes!' gesture

tom: claire, long time no see

claire: its good to see you too tom

sean: can the little man drum, I really wanna buy him a drum set!

claire: he can be whatever he wants, but uncle sean can sure give him lessons when he's old enough

the guys are so sweet about the baby, and Im pretty sure most of them are more excited then they act. but I love it, blake already has 3 uncles that love him to pieces!

Farr: when i got home lastnight, for some reason I expected claire to be here. maybe she went to her moms. her mom moved to Nashville the minute she heard claire was pregnant, so she could be there for her when I couldn't. I slept in the babys room last night,drinkin myself to sleep. pushing claire out the way I did was the biggest mistake. we could have made it through the two dad thing. we could have made it work. I wanted to hear her voice,


she must be sleeping still, damn even her voicemail is amazing, what the fuck did I do!

THubb: it was so nice having claire here! I could just see us raising our son together, having all the guys here to watch his first step, first walk, first mohawk from bonds, first drum set from uncle sean. it just all made sense why she was here and that she should stay here.

Claire: tyler tried to call me, but I didnt feel like talking to him with all the guys around. I wanted to hear his gravelly sexy voice, but I was upset with him. I wanted to run home to him, and just forget the whole divorce thing, I just wanted him to take it all back and go back to the way it was before.then he sends me another text,

<claire, please talk to me, I gotta hear your voice! come home, please! sweetheart I wanna just take last night back! I dont wanna live a life without you!>

god, seeing that made me feel so bad for ignoring it, but ill talk to him when I was ready

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