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THubb: claire was in labor for almost an hour when blake finally made his appearance, you can tell hes just like his daddy. Blake Levi Hubbard was born at 10:30 pm on June 4th. hes perfect. I never knew I could love a baby this much. he was 3 pounds and 9 ounces

6 mounths later:

Claire: today is Blake's already six months, and I cant believe how fast time has gone by. we have the band over at least once a month so they can see how much he's grown. blake has light brown almost blonde hair and big bright blue eyes. he looks like both me and ty mixed together. we give blake a mohawk in honor of uncle bondsy and send sean pictures of him playing on his drum set. ty and I talk all the time about having another baby, hopefully a girl so she can have an older brother. tyler and I finally tied the not and couldn't be more in love. its like all the things we went through made us stronger. god had a plan and it couldnt have worked out any more perfect.

the end♥

im interested in doing another fanfic, maybe a hockey one and another country music one, open to suggestions (:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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