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Tyler: I hadn't seen or spoken to Claire and as far as we were concerned, I couldn't be with her right now and im sure she knew that. BK has been tryin to get me outta my funk and so far its not working. He invited me to go out tonight with him and Claire's friend Meredith from back home. They went to school together and Claire hooked them up not to long ago. Meredith was good for BK! she was everything he wasn't and damn she was good lookin too. they raise them right in Illinois let me tell ya. Tonight was their 2nd date and they were goin to a bar. just the place I needed to be I thought, there's alcohol and girls, lots and lots of girls. So I told BK id go. I had to get my mind of the whole baby situation.

BK: tonight was my second date and I was so pumped. I was tired of being around Tyler while he mopes around talkin about the baby all the time. I think him and Claire just needed to talk and sort things out and move on. I love T but damn, he was messin with my vibes. All I can think about was tonight. I get to see Meredith! damn! I liked this girl. we've spent the past few weeks just textin' before I decided to fly her up here. She was beautiful too! she had blonde hair, that was almost a dirty blonde and green eyes. im such a sucker for her green eyes. she's shorter than me, which I love. and she just seems to perfect! I hop in the shower then get dressed. I wear my black V-neck that's tight (to show off my muscles) and some faded jeans with my boots. I spike my hair, spray some smell good spray then walk out of the bathroom. T was sittin on the bed on instagram and twitter. He would do anything to keep occupied.

"lets go brotha!" I yell at him then pat his back as I walk past him

"im comin" he said and we were out the door.

We get to the bar and I can already spot her outside. She was wearin a tight black dress as if we planned to match. she also had some sexy heels on. her hair was wavy and she looked beautiful! I park the car and nearly run to the front door, but slow down once I was in her sight.

"you look gorgeous Mere!" I said takin her hand and spinning her around

"thanks BK, you look pretty hot yourself!" she said then giggled. man, even her laugh was perfect!

"shall we" I say pointin to the door and she heads in. I look back and I see T just getting near the door.

I let the door shut and take Meredith's hand. We sit at the bar and I buy a round of drinks. Ty comes in and sits next to us. He already is drinkin the hard stuff, hes gonna have a rough morning, I can already tell.

Farr: I cant believe im engaged! to Claire no less! two months ago, I was dreamin of this day and now its actually here. I couldn't wait to tell my family! hell I couldn't wait for them to meet her! they're gonna be soo happy! I wanted to take Claire out to celebrate tonight! maybe a bar or something. she seems to be cravin wings and bars are the only places with the best!

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