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Claire: tyler stared at me with his puppy dog blue eyes, waiting on the words I had to say,

"tyler...lets go home" he hugs me, then lets go to hug and kiss momma.

when we get in the truck tyler is still apologizing,

"baby,  you have to know im sorry! im your husband and when we got married I made a vow to stick with you through the hard times, and last night I didnt..." he looks at me in between watching the road,

"last night I didnt just sleep in the nursery, I got drunk off my ass to get to sleep...im so sorry"

"at least your honest" he smiles cause he thinks he's off the hook

"hey, its our song..." our wedding song came on the radio, its who I am with you by chris young,

"ya, its our wedding song" he grabs my hand and holds it. we get home and get into the house. i feel like I should tell tyler where I was or something...yet I dont wanna hurt him. he goes to the fridge and grabs a little box, then walks into the other room and grabs...flowers, he walks over and hands them to me,

"claire, last night was the worst night of my life, everything me minded me of you.the house seemed so empty and dark.im sorry, and I know saying im sorry wont make it go away, but I am, from the bottom of my heart sweetheart" I open the little box and its a cupcake. he knows how much i love cupcakes, and its my favorite kind, red velvet. the flowers were simple red roses, but there was a lot of them. just then my phone buzzes on the countertop,and it caught tylers attention, I could tell by his facial expression it was ty.the message flashed across the top of the screen,

(I hope everything worked alright, and I hope to see you again soon)

tyler read that, and slowly looked over to me,

"what the hell does he mean?"


"claire, tell me the truth, or im calling him"

"...I wasn't at my moms last night, ty picked me up from here and took me to his house. I was a wreck lastnight and could barely function" he huffs and fixes his baseball cap looking at the ground

"what happened last night? did you guys fool around?"

"god, tyler! no! he listened to me ramble on about my husband" he looks up from the ground but doesnt look me in the eye,

"here I am, bein romantic and shit while you were at thubbs"

"tyler, im so sorry!"

he nods and walks upstairs to the bedroom,

"tyler lynn farr...we werent done talkin"

he hates when I use his middle name

"pullin out the middle name huh? I can do that too...claire marie farr"

I laugh and then he starts to laugh and we end up in a passionate make out. he kicks the door shut and we head for the bed

THubb: I hope everythings ok with claire. she seemed so frantic earlier. if farr found out she was here he would flip. so I hope he didnt catch her. as much as I wanted to respect their marriage, I just couldnt, she was suppost to be my wife.

Claire: I wake up nussled in tylers bare chest. I get up and head to the bathroom. it was so nice having a bathroom attached to our bedroom, I loved it. I shut the door and start the shower. i go to get in and I hear shuffling in the bedroom, tylers up. he walks into the bathroom messing with his bed head, then he gets in the shower with me,

"expuse me, the shower is pretty occupied"

"yah by me and you" he winks then starts washin his body,

"and blake"

"oh yah, your six months today arent you" he says touching my belly,

"yah, howd you remember"

"im your husband, im suppost to know those kinds of things" he smiles and I laugh,

"it was on the calendar wasnt it?"

"maybe..." he laughs then reached for the shampoo

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