If I Wrote You A Love Song

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My names Claire,Im currently been seeing a guy from a band,and to be honest it's all still new to me. His name is Tyler Hubbard,and you may know his band,Florida Georgia Line. I've been asked to head out on the road with him and the guys and I said yes. I was so excited! They are actually on tour with Tyler Farr and Colt Ford. I've only been seeing Tyler a month and we aren't official yet. So I guess we'll see what happens...

Tyler's POV: today was the first day Claire was gonna be at our tour stop.she was joining us from here on out.i know it's a lot to ask of her but I didn't wanna leave her behind. I saw her get out of the limo,and she got out as if she was in slow motion. Her hair was blonde as the sun and wavy.she had on a sun dress that had me like dayummm. "Hey Claire"I held out my hand and grabbed hers,"let's hop on the bus and introduce you to everyone" "ok Ty" I walked her up the stairs. All the guys where sittin and drinking some beers before the show. "Y'all this is Claire,Claire this is everyone"

Claire's POV: Ty rambled off everyone's names and each one shook my hand or came in for a hug if your Bk. But there was one guy who stuck out, and his name was Tyler Farr...

Farr's POV: I'm trying so hard to play it cool right now.i feel like she can see through me,and her being a girl she probably can. I never believed in love at first sight till now. 'Tyler get this out of your head she's seein the guy who's band your on tour with right now' but god,she was gorgeous,and if I had a chance with her I'd like to take it!Just then,I got called to do sound check,I nodded in her direction,said bye to the guys and got off the bus. 'Really a fucking nod,no see ya or bye' I slapped and shook my head and kept walking.

Claire's POV:I watched Farr walk off the bus in surprise,then shook my head,smiled and grabbed a drink.

BK's POV:"hell ya guys,let's start this tour off with a bang,especially when we got a pretty lady on board,let's show her where the party's at!" He held his cup up, "cheers!"

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