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Claire:I looked at Tyler in shock,"Ty,the whole thing with Farr-" he stopped me mid sentence "baby,I'm not worried about him,I get that we weren't official and he came on to you.its in the past,and the future is what I'm worried about. So what do ya say?" he grabbed my hand and waited for an answer. "of course" as soon as I said it I felt terrible,Ty needed to know what happened between me and Farr that night,but on the other hand maybe it was best if he didn't know. He kissed me then ran to the driver to tell him we could go now.

2 Months Later:

Farr: it's been two months since Claire choose Ty, and everyday killed me,as much as I wanted to be happy for them,I couldn't be,I wanted her and she knew it.

Claire: tour finally came to a break and we were staying in a hotel for a few weeks. I woke up this morning feeling sick,but we did go out to eat last night and I drank a beer or two. But I couldn't hold any food down. I told Tyler and he suggested we go to the doctor. So I got dressed and headed to the hospital. We got there and they took me in no time at all. The doctor asked some questions and ruled situations out,then he asked, "how often do you have sex,and when was the last time you got your period?" Ty laughed and said,"well doc,we can't keep our hands off each other" I giggled cause it's true,we had finally moved past the whole Farr incident. "well have you taken a pregnancy test lately?" i shook my head and he grabbed one and handed it to me. "well if it's not food poisoning and you don't have the flu there's only one more thing I could think of" I took it and it was the longest three minutes of my life. It came out to be positive. "holy crap,I'm pregnant!" Tyler hugged me and whispered,"everything is gonna be all right,I promise.we can handle this next step" he kissed my forehead and held my hand. "your about two months along now actually". We were so happy. As we left the hospital, I felt sick to my stomach but not from the morning sickness. But because of Farr. That one night two months ago,we had sex and I don't remember if we used protection. I couldn't tell Tyler but I had to talk to Farr about it.

Tyler: As soon as we got back I had to share the news with the guys so I texted BK, <get everyone down to the lobby> <sure what for man?> <well I got some news for y'all> we pull up to the hotel and I get out of the truck and go around to help Claire,"Ty,I can still function,I'm not that pregnant yet" I smiled,"I know, but I wanna be careful" she took my help as I handed the keys to valet we walked in hand and hand. Everyone was there from friends,to band mates,to managers to all the acts on the road with us. BK came running up to me,"so THubb what's the news?" "well everyone,Claire and I are pregnant!" everyone cheered and awed. "really,that's amazing!" Bk said as he hugged us both and touched Claire's stomach,"hellooo baby Hubbard,this is your uncle BK" he said talking into her stomach. "Brian,you realize it's the size of a pea" Claire says, everyone laughs," ya well it needs to hear Its uncle" he walks back to the group.

Claire: as everyone congratulates us, I scan the room and I can see Farr in the corner leaning against the wall. He looked at me,shook his head and looked at the ground. I could tell he was heart broken. I had to talk to him,"hey,Ty,natures callin,I'll be right back" he rubbed my stomach then gave me a kiss. Everyone surrounded Ty asking him questions and waiting for answers. I looked back to make sure he wasn't looking and he wasn't so I grabbed Farr and pulled him into a supply closet.

Farr: Claire was walking toward me then all the sudden we were in a closet,"we need to talk", I smiled,"oh so now you want me back" she gave me a look and I knew it was time to be serious,"Tyler,did we use protection,you know,that one night?" I looked at her,and went back in my mind,"well,hell,I don't remember". "damn it!" she yelled but in a whisper. She walked out and left me there. Could this baby be mine?

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