Chapter 11 - "A Surprise Guest"

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Songs for this chapter:

- Oath by Cher Lloyd ft. Becky G

- Clique by Kanye West ft. Big Sean

- Leavin' by Jesse McCartney

- Best Friends by Janoskians

Jason's POV

I can't believe she ditched me for Leeroy. I'm so pissed right now, but I won't let it bother me too much. Even though I know he took her back to his place, I know she likes him but he's gonna use her. Fuck. I'm getting angrier now just thinking about it, so I'll just text David and tell him to come over or something. I need to get my mind off of Ariana.

*Hey. Do you wanna go to the movies or something..?*

He texts back a few minutes later and says *Sure Jason, but I thought you and Ariana were gonna hang out today.*

*We were but Leeroy just took her away from me.*

*Leeroy? I don't think she'd just go with anyone. Are you sure his name is Leeroy ?*

*Its either Leeroy, Liam or Lee idk.. Anyway do you wanna go somewhere or not?*

*You like Ariana don't you ;)*

*Nevermind I'll ask someone else.*

*NOOOOO! I'm sorry I'll be at the frat in a few.*


I turn on the TV and its about 30 minutes until David knocks on my room door. When I open the door, he's leaning on my doorframe. "Hey," he grins.

"Are we going somewhere. Or not?" I get straight to the point.

"Let's go play hockey at the rink." David suggests.

"Let's go out to a club, maybe even a strip club." I smirk.

"It's 2 o clock dude. Who the hell goes to a strip club this early?"

"Strippers and pimps. Sometimes addicts." I joke and he laughs.

"How about this, we go rent a movie or two, play a game of hockey at the rink and then go to a strip club."

"Now you're talking." I chuckle and throw an arm over his shoulder.

Ariana's POV

"That movie was amazing!" I say just as Brad Pitt sails further in the water and the credits start to come up.

"Told you," Liam gloats looking up at me from the floor. His roommate came back in the room with a girl halfway through the movie and Liam had to sit on the floor.

"It was alright." Jackson (Liam's roommate) shrugs.

"I hated it." The irrelevant girl that was with him, says.

"Well you guys only saw half of it." Liam frowns at the two negative Nancy's.

"I think I outta go now babe." The girl directs her message to Jackson as she gets up from his lap and goes in for a kiss, but he rejects her by turning his head so she kissed his cheek.

"Bye," Jackson shoos her out with a hand. "Close the door behind you," Jackson demands and she does exactly what he says. Why is he so rude?

"I need a new bitch now. She was annoying as hell." Jackson laughs when he notices she's no where to be seen. Liam and I both shake our heads in disapproval of his language towards the nice girl.

"Ariana are you free anytime?" Jackson asks. I know he's kidding but that thought of me and him together gets chills down my spine. Watching him and the girl French kissing the entire movie and him moving his hand up and down her thighs plus his other hand maneuvering around her boobs just sends me bad vibes about him.

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