Chapter 30 - "Reality"

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Songs for this chapter:

- Echo by Trevor Moran

- Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus

- Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas

Ariana's POV

The person behind me taps on my shoulder. I take in a huge gulp. "I finally get to see you." She takes off her hood.

"Pardon me?" A lady around her late 30s or early 40s greet me.

"You don't remember me at all do you?"

"You look very familiar, but I'll have to say no."

"I'm your mother."

"No way, you're lying." My legs give out and I fall to the ground, trying to scoot away from this woman.

"I just want you to know, I left because of Andy. Not you or your father led me to this decision. I had to to keep you guys safe or he would've killed you and your father."

"I knew it! But how did Andy-"

"Andy was an old family friend. He has always loved me and at one point I tried to love him but I soon learned he was insane so I broke off all contact with him. One day I saw him in Walmart and we got to chatting and he said he changed from his old ways, he said he was a new man now. Like the idiot I am, I called him because me and your father got into an argument over the dumbest thing. We had an affair the first time. Then every time after that, we continued to have the affair because your father and I was not working out. When I had you, your father and I got closer as you aged but Andy got jealous so he threatened all of our lives if I didn't leave with him. Andy always said he'd come back for you, but I'd rather die than for him to take you away from your dad. After all these years, I've been Andy's slave but I finally escaped because I saw you."

"So I dad's or Andy's, is what you're trying to tell me."

"Somewhat, and honestly I don't know."

"What the hell. How dare you cheat on daddy."

"I'm sorry, baby. I have to get going now. I love you."

"No, call the police and get Andy arrested." I tug on her arm to not leave me again.

"I can't, you don't understand."

"Andy practically kidnapped you. What don't I understand?"

"We have children together."

My mouth drops open in disfigurement. "How many?"

"Three. Ten, eighteen and twenty nine. We put our twenty nine year old up for adoption because I was a little girl and we didn't know better."

"Are you kidding me?" I cry in my hands, but she doesn't say anything. She cheated on dad before she had me. When I look back up, she's gone.

"Ma'am?" A man in scrubs tries to help me up. "Are you alright?"

"Yes sir." I thank him for helping me. "Do you know when the next bus will be?"

"It'll probably be around 2 a.m. Sorry."

"It's okay. I'll call one of my friends." I walk away from what looks like a homeless man. I want to help him, but you never know what people are thinking or intentions are. I call Liz but she doesn't answer. I call David but before I could ask him to pick me up, he tells me he's busy then hangs up. I don't call Hannah because she's probably with David. I can't call my dad, because he'd never let me out the house again. I want to call Grace, but she'll think I'm a crazy person. There's only one other person I can think of, Chase.

"I'm on my way." I like how he drops what he's doing to come get me, but he probably feels sorry for me. I'm damn near pathetic.


"I'm glad you called me," Chase smiles. "Where do you want to go?"

"Home," I get straight to the point.

"I heard Adeline's having a party." He smirks.

"No thanks. If I see her, I'll snap her neck." Oh no, I'm changing into my dad.

"That's everyone's response when you hear Adeline's name." He laughs. "But she throws great parties."

"Aren't you too old to be going to parties?" I try to get him off my back.

He chuckles, "I guess you'd say that. I'm still a party animal though. I'm not ready to settle down with anyone just yet, which seems pretty bad considering how old I am.

"Yeah, so can you just take me back home. I've had a rough day, even rougher night."

"I understand." He doesn't say anything else to me the rest of the ride home. Right before I get out the car, he asks "are you sure you don't want to go to the party with me?"

"I'm sure, goodnight."

"Goodnight," he waves from his car.

Before I get upstairs, I hear a car door slam and knock on the door. I open the door. "Chase?" I'm confused why he's on my doorstep.

"Fuck it." He presses his lips on mine and he forces himself in. "I've been trying to resist myself from you because you're off limits, but damn you make it hard." He smiles and I don't have anything to say. I don't want him to stay but I want him. I've been missing Jason and he hasn't touched me like Chase is doing right now. His hands are moving gracefully on me. "Where's your room?"

"Up-upstairs." I stutter. Is this really happening?

He takes ahold of my hand and leads me to MY room..? Oh well. We get to my room and he lifts me up on the nightstand then begins kissing me on my neck. Chase grips the bottom of my shirt, tears it off then throws it on the ground. He examines me, biting his lip and takes off his shirt. We move to my bed and I'm starting to get nervous.

"Wait, I can't do this." I sit up on my arms.

"Do what?" He leaves trails of kisses from my neck to my lower stomach.

"Have sex or whatever you thought we were going to do."

"Why not?" He finally stops.

"I'm not ready and we practically just met. I can't do that to Jason."

"Jason and I have shared girls before, so he'll be okay with us."

"I don't care about his past, and you're not sharing me with anyone."

"You'll change your mind, Ariana. I'm not like other guys, I'm different. Very different." He picks up his clothes and puts them on. "Call me later honey."


That took a huge turn huh? Lol my mind is weird af.

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- Kendall xx.

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