Chapter 33 - "A Day With Crazy"

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Songs for this chapter:

- Colossus by Tyler the Creator

- Get Her Back by Robin Thicke

- Confident by Justin Bieber

Ariana's POV

I'm laying in bed, continuing to think and dream about my mom. I freaking saw her and let her slip away once again. Should I tell my dad or just keep it to myself?

My dad walks in my room. "I don't have to work anywhere at all today, so we get to spend the whole day together honey."

"Yay," I act excited. I love my dad, but how will I tell him I want to go support Jason in court. He doesn't understand him or me sometimes.

"Aren't you glad you came home?"

"I miss school work and I miss my friends."

"When you move into your new college, you'll make better friends."

"Dad you just don't understand. These people have made my life better in a lot of ways."

"They've also put you in a hospital bed, had your heart torn and you don't dress or style your hair like you used to either."

"Well it's not my fault I dated a psychopath. And all the people that cared for me, they were in the hospital room with me. Where were you dad? Because you certainly was not there for me."

"I know, and I regret that. I couldn't leave work or I would've gotten fired."

"Dad, I know. That was a low blow, I'm sorry. All you want is to protect me and keep a stable life and home for me, but I'm getting older. I need to make decisions on my own and I've already told you this."

"When you get to your new campus, I'll let you go. But right now in this very moment you're still my baby girl. So get up cutie, I made breakfast." He kisses me on the head and leaves my room.

I pick out what I'm going to wear, even though I don't know exactly where we're going. When I'm done I run downstairs and sit at the kitchen counter. I grab my baby Ophelia, and place her in my lap. She's gotten used to me being here and I love her so much, I think Chapel Hill will let Ophelia in. My dad has made a decent breakfast. The pancakes were burnt, the bacon was burnt and the eggs were soggy. It's the thought that counts.

"You may want to make oatmeal instead." We laugh.

"Yeah," I put Ophelia back on the ground and make oatmeal.


I get a text from Chase and my face lights up.

*What are you doing today?*

*Hanging with my dad. We're at the gun range right now, then idk where next.*
I reply.

*Be careful.*
He adds the laughing emoji.

I wish there was a middle finger emoji, then my life will be complete.

"You want to try, baby?" My dad asks, taking off his huge headphones.

I take mine off. "No thanks, I'll watch you guys." I gesture to him and Steven.

"C'mon try it."

"Dad if you haven't noticed, I'm too small to handle a gun."

"I'll help you." Steven says.

"No thanks." I quickly reject him. He's the one who made Liam mad at me, so I really don't want to be here with him anyway.

"Let's take a break you guys." My dad, Steven and I give the headphones around our necks back to the man in charge. "Want to grab something to eat?"

"Sure." Steven agrees. I wouldn't have come out to spend the day with my dad if I knew Steven was going to tag along the whole time. He's dead to me at this point.

After hearing about work and irrelevant stuff, I text Liz.
*Can you pick me up from this lunch date with my dad and his friend?*

*Of course, I'm on my way.*
Liz drives up eight minutes later.

"Oh my goodness, Ariana? That can't be you. Well isn't this a coincidence." Liz questions sarcastically. I giggle and get up from the table.

"Ariana, where are you going?"

"To hang out with Liz and dad, I think I'll be going. See you at home." I kiss him on the head and we rush out.

We get in the car and begin chatting. "I talked to Chad today, he was at the grocery store."

"Chase?" I laugh. "What did you guys talk about?"

"You." She answers and I start to get nervous. What did he say about me? "And he gave me advice about Jackson. I think we should really start to be friends with him. He's pretty damn awesome and funny."

"Yeah," I guess he didn't tell her that him and I kissed.

"You ready for tomorrow? We'll know Jason's fate. I'm scared and excited."

"Same." It seems like I haven't spoken or seen Jason in a decade. I'm not as broken as I thought. Must be Chase keeping my mind off of him, he's been good to me.


"I'm glad you finally decided to come home." My dad raises his voice as I get in the door.

"I didn't want to stay there with you and Steven, listening to y'all talk about work and other boring things. I didn't know he was going to tag along all day, I thought it was just going to be me and you."

"I'm sorry Arry, Steven is in a rough patch right now. He needed me."

"You're always sorry." I mumble under my breath.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, Jason's court date is tomorrow and I have to go."

"I knew you would ask this."


"The news announced he'd be in court tomorrow."


"You can't go, you need to leave him and the rest of these people behind you and keep moving forward. He's only pulling you down."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell. It surprises him and I shock myself.

"Ariana, what did you just say?"

"Dad, I'm going to support Jason if you like it or not. Just like Steven needs you, Jason needs me and I'm going to be with him every step of the way."

"Steven is a different situation."

"You're such a hypocrite!" I storm upstairs and he follows. "And guess what?" I answer before he can. "I saw mom and we talked a little while, she didn't love you. She still doesn't." I slam my door in his face.

"Ariana open the fucking door!" My dad screams at me, pounding on the door. I won't open it, I'll wait until he's calmed down and isn't heated.


Love you all and thanks for the support, by actually reading this!

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- Kendall xx.

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