Chapter 18 - "Family Comes First"

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Songs for this chapter:

- Almost is Never Enough by Ariana Grande ft. Nathan Sykes

- Cry for love by Zendaya

- Firework by Katy Perry

Ariana's POV

All I'm focused on, is Liam coming in this cafeteria and saving me. Soon my prayers are answered.

"Let's go," Liam barges out of no where.

"She's not leaving just yet," Adeline argues.

"Bitch fuck off, she's coming with me. No one fucking likes you, you're a whore." Liam comes right out and says.

"Woah," Keith gets up from the table and challenges Liam. "Don't talk to my girl like that. If your girlfriend wants to stay with us, she can."

"I don't think so. But I know for sure, your girlfriend is trash. She's a hoe, and every guy in here has been in her loose ass vagina. Sucks to be Adeline's last choice? Sucks to be cheated on, every second of the day? But then again, you're too much of a pussy to say anything to her." Liam preaches one last word to Keith before Keith strikes Liam in the jaw with his fist, across the table.

Liam releases me and charges towards Keith, is this really happening? "Liam what are you doing? Stop!" I try to persist him. Last thing I know, they're both on the ground and Liam is on top of Keith repeatedly throwing punches left and right.

Adeline just watches screaming, "Keith what the hell are you doing?"

I again try to break up the fight. But this time I start pulling on Liam, he surprisingly reacts.


"Baby, I have to go-"

"You don't have to leave. Daddy will take care of us, he'll keep us safe. Just please don't leave us in this house alone." I interrupt my mom as she picks up her suitcase.

"You know that's not guaranteed, and I don't want to take any chances. I love you. Always remember that." She kisses me on my forehead.

I grab her. "No, not this time." She's not leaving me. I see Andy in the distance, and I begin to panic but I'm holding my ground. He's getting closer and closer, but I'm not letting my mother go. She's everything to me. No man is taking her away from me, no matter how huge he is.

"Let her go." He roars, and snatches her out of my grasp.

"LEAVE HER ALONE. YOU ARE A MONSTER, I HATE YOU. I HOPE THE DAY YOU DIE, YOU'RE STANDING DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ME. IF I'M LUCKY, I'LL BE THE ONE WHO CAUSED IT." I eject my voice so they can hear me. Andy turns around to slap me, it's a hard backhand slap to the face. I place my hand on my bruised cheek.

"We'll be back for you, baby girl." Andy grabs my ass with his right hand and I flinch as his hot breath hits my nostrils. My mom just saddens, watching him mistreat my 6 year old self. They exit the house, my dad no where to be found.

Ouch. My head hurts like a bitch.

I wake up in a hospital bed with about seven people crammed inside the tiny room. The only people I recognize are Elizabeth, David, and Hannah.

"She's awake guys." Hannah cheers.

"What happened? Who are all these people?" I question looking at the four I'm unfamiliar with. One is a brunette male that's pretty fit. There are two older companions that look like a couple and one short blonde girl.

Hannah begins, "This is Derek, Chloe, Meredith and Steve McCray. Liam's family." They all wave to me awkwardly.
I wave back embarrassed. Why are they here like this? Why does my head hurt so badly? "Where's Liam? And why am I in bed surrounded by his family without him?"

"That Neanderthal punched you, is what I heard from Adeline. And when you fell, you hit your head against a table. So, he was called into questioning at the office and was on his way to the police station I think. He's probably in a holding cell." Liz says furiously.

"Adeline?" Derek zones out for about five seconds. "I'm sure he didn't punch her. Liam is violent but he'd never in his life put his hands on a girl. Just ask my Hannah." Derek goes over to Hannah and hugs her. "Sorry, but I've missed her beautifulness." Hannah looks unhappy and David shifts his eyes uncomfortably.

Millions of things are going through my head right now. I'm thinking about where Liam is and how abusive he was for a while, David and Hannah and Hannah and Derek, what my dad is doing, and if he knows what happened to me. Just everything is popping in my brain all at once.

"I never thought my brother would land such a pretty girl like you. I always thought he was a gay loser. But I'm really glad he's happy with you." Chloe blurts.

"Chloe!" Her mom shouts. "Go in the hallway, or listen to your music."

"Fine, but you know we were all thinking it..." She pulls out her beats from her small purse and plugs them into her phone. "I'm going down to the cafeteria room."

"Steve go with her. You know she'll try to flirt with the doctrine."

"Steve, please don't go with me. You'll ruin my day, I'll behave myself." She pleas.

"Sorry sweetie, but mommy always wins." Liam's father shrugs, Chloe rolls her eyes, and they exit the room. Although I'm thinking of a lot, Jason somehow, randomly pops into my head.

"Where's Jason?" He's always there for me and I'm really surprised he's not here. Yes, I've been ignoring him, but he just seems to always be by my side.

"He might be in class," David seems confused when I mention Jason. "I can call him if you want."

I want to say 'No, don't call him.' Somehow it comes out as "please." David scurries out the room, eyeing Hannah and Derek up and down.

Liam's mom's eyes scan my face, her pupils expanding. "Jason?"

"He's one," I take a sigh. "of my friends."

"Oh," I feel Meredith roll her eyes. "How close are y'all?"

"Excuse me?"

"Never mind, dear. I'm going to pick up Liam from the station later, is it okay if he comes in here to see you?"

"Of course, he's the love of my life."

"Okay," she smiles widely. "Come on Derek. Hannah and Ariana's friend can stay here with her."

"Bye honey," Derek places a kiss on Hannah's forehead. She watches him as he exits the room, closing the door.

"Do you think David is angry with me?" Hannah sits on the edge of the hard hospital mattress.

"Definitely. How could you do that to him? Lead him on, to play this game of yours. Turns around and crushes his heart-"

"I just spoke to Jason, he's coming." David walks in the room with a half smirk, half frown.

"Thanks for interrupting me." Liz softly laughs.

"Sorry," he means for his apology to go towards Liz. But he ends up staring down Hannah. "Hannah, you're a terrible human being. You know that right?" He crosses his arms.

"Yes, and I'm so sorry that I put you through this. I never thought this moment would come." She takes a step towards him, hoping to give him a hug but he declines by backing up until his torso is against the frame of the door. "David, I love you. I don't love Derek, I wanted to tell him but I couldn't. I still don't have the guts."

"Save it for someone who cares." He leaves the room, and for once I don't know what to do or say. A couple tears escape from Hannah's eyes. I wish Liz would comfort her, but we all know she's on David's side.

After two minutes go by, she excuses herself from the room to go to the bathroom.


Omg I can't believe my fanfic has gotten over 950 reads!! I'm so happy that people are actually reading this! I love all of you soooo much. I won't stop updating, I just want to keep thanking y'all for everything!

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- Kendall xx.

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