Chapter 25 - "Afraid"

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Songs for this chapter:

- Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood

- Hard to Do by K. Michelle

- Better Left Unsaid by Ariana Grande

Hannah's POV

I killed Derek. I killed my boyfriend right as he awoke from his coma. But fuck, it felt good. That's all that keeps replaying in my mind. I'm scared to tell anyone. I can't tell my best friend because he's in jail and that was his brother, one of the most important people in his life. I can't tell my family because they'll send me to a mental institution. I can't tell Liz because she'd turn me in. I'm not sure if I can tell Ariana because her new love interest is being held in jail, blamed for my actions. I want to tell David everything, I want to tell him I killed Derek for us, I want to tell him I killed for him to keep nothing in between us. David would turn me in. He'd tell them to lock me up and throw away the key. David would laugh in my face then say I'm nothing. I can't tell anyone but I need to or its all going to come out as word vomit.

"Hannah we'll be over to get you later." Ariana says to me over the phone.

"Why?" I'm clueless.

"To go visit Jason. I know you care for him too so we don't want to leave you out. Is it okay if we bring David along?"

"Yeah." I frown at the mention of David's name. I love him more than anyone and anything. I've never felt this way about any guy. I've never been this sad about a "breakup" before. I feel like an idiot.

We get to David's door and my heart is pounding tremendously. My palms are sweating continuously. I'm afraid of what he'll say.

He opens the door, looking terrible and I can feel he's been having a fucked week and few days. David has lost his best friend and I'm not there to comfort him. "Ugh." He sighs and tries to slam the door in our face, but Liz pushes in.

"The fuck is your deal? I should punch you in the face, because you're being an asshole." She yells.

"Paige already contacted me about Jason. He used to be in a big chunk of my life, but now he isn't. Plain and simple." David really looks like he hasn't slept in days.

"Don't you feel like apart of you is missing then?" I ask. I want him to at least look in my direction and talk to me.

"What is she doing here? I want nothing to do with her." He questions, still not looking at me.

"I don't care if you want to admit it or not, but Jason is still your best friend and you'll care about him no matter what. So get your head out of your ass. Jason's being accused of killing Derek while he was in a coma and is facing life in prison and all you want to focus on is what Hannah is doing here?" Liz rolls her eyes. "Let's go. Other than me, I've never met anyone so selfish." She is so frustrated by the way she stalks out the room.

We follow behind. David plops on his bed, covering his face with his pillow.

As we get in the car, Elizabeth is still upset. "I just can't believe him, what a fake ass friend."

We get to the jail, and I've already been here so I'm used to the craziness going on in here.

"Visiting Jason Young," Elizabeth says with agitation in her tone of her voice.

"Right this way." The officer leads us to a line of phones. I wonder where Liam is right now. I miss talking to him, but I know I can't.

After Liz picks up the phone and starts chatting with Jason, I zone out and begin to think about the pros and cons of telling Ariana about me killing Derek. She's a trustworthy enough person, right?


I grab Ariana and lead her to the hall showers.

I look around the room to see if anyone's there. "I really have to tell you something."

"What's going on Hannah?" By the way she asks the question, I can tell she's afraid.

"I know Jason didn't kill Derek."

"I'm pretty sure he didn't either."

"No I mean, know."


"I know because," I bend down to whisper in her ear. "I killed Derek."

She's speechless.

"Ariana, say something."

"How could you? What pushed you to the edge of doing something extreme as this?" She's terrified.


"David told you to do this?" Ariana raises her voice.

"No, no, no! I made this decision on my own. I did this for David and I. He wanted nothing to do with me, and I thought that if Derek was out of the picture then we'd have a better chance of surviving as a couple."

"But do you notice that you not only put yourself in danger, but Jason for the most part. He's being held responsible because of your actions. How does Liam and his family feel? Haven't you considered anyone else's feelings other than yourself and David's?" Wow, I didn't think she'd go into depth. She opened my eyes.

"I'm sorry, and yes I have thought about Liam a little bit. He's still my best friend. I miss him a lot." Tears start to brim in my eyes. "But somehow I can't stop thinking about David and how much stuff he's going through."

"What about my Jason? He's being held in a cell, being accused of the murder he didn't commit. Hannah I love you, but-"

"I knew I shouldn't have told anyone. You're just gonna turn me in. Please Ariana, please don't turn me in." She holds me close and I sob in her shoulder.

"I'd never turn you in. I love Jason, but I wouldn't turn you in intentionally. You're one of my first genuine friends and though I haven't had many friends, I know you've always been there for me."

"Thank you, Ariana. I knew I could count on you." I continue to cry.

"I'll talk to David for you. He's just confused and upset about everything on his plate."


I think I'm gonna start switch point of views between the main people in the story! so excited.

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- Kendall xx.

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