Chapter 23 - "Murder?"

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Songs for this chapter:

- Nightingale by Demi Lovato

- BO$$ by Fifth Harmony

- The Baddest Girl by Pentatonix

Jason's POV

"Do you want breakfast? I could bring it up here." I sit on the edge of my bed.

"No, that's okay. I need to go back to my dorm to take a shower, brush my teeth, wash my face then slip into some new clothes."

"You can take a shower in my bathroom, and I can get you some clean, fresh clothes and a toothbrush in a matter of minutes."

"Only if you get in with me," she says seductively. What happened to the innocent Arry that I met on the oldest couch in history of my frat house?

"I really want to, and you know I do."

"So, why not?" She sits up in my bed. "Your bathroom is in the adjoining room?"


"Jason," my dad pounds on my door. "Some people here to see you."

"Dammit." I hop to open the door. There's my dad standing with his arms crossed, in the middle of two cops.

"Jason Young," the male cop pretty much jumps on me without warning and slams the cuffs on my wrists, "we have a warrant for your arrest."

"For what?" Ariana cries from a few feet away.

"For the murder of Derek McCray." The male officer shouts in my ear. Ariana covers her mouth with both of her hands. How could this even be possible when I was home the whole time I got from jail. Plus, I don't even remember what I did when I was in that hospital room. Everything just isn't adding up. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to.." I start to fade out and think about what could've happened, but I don't- I just can't- I need Liz.

When I get to the station, I literally left a few nights ago, I get called into questioning.

"Why did you bash Derek McCray in the head with the heel of your boot?"

"I don't remember doing that. Can I call my friend?"

"Hell no. Not until you tell us why you hurt the McCray brothers in Liam's girlfriend's hospital room." He slams the other side of the metal table.

"Number one, I didn't kill him because the time I left this station, I went to my house. Number two, Liam and Ariana broke up. Number three, how would I know what hospital he went to?"

"Were you aware that Liam abused Ariana? He told us everything."


"Did you know that's the reason she had to go to the hospital?"


"And you saw Derek standing over Ariana with his fists balled, isn't that correct?"

"I guess."

"So, I see. You're in love with Ariana, and would do anything to protect her. You beat her boyfriend and his brother for revenge, but you didn't stop there."

"Wait, wait, wait."

"You wanted to kill those two men, therefore you bashed Derek in the head with the heel of your boot to send him to the emergency room and then you beat Liam over and over in head with Ariana's food tray. I know you went outside of your house at least three times, because the nurse in Derek's room saw you there. Then I went to stores closest to the hospital and your home, and a female clerk recognized you at her hardware store. She said she'd never forget a face like yours in that dirty, torn down shack. And lastly-"

"Wait a minute. Okay I did go out a few times but,"

"You went to Liam's dorm."

"I WANT A LAWYER." I yell in his face, but he just smirks at me.

"Good choice, boy." He walks out the room.

Ariana's POV

"For the murder of Derek McCray." The cop starts reading him his Miranda rights and I'm just in pure shock. We all watch him get dragged out the door, and shoved into the police car.

"Ariana," Jason's dad keeps the door wide open. "I think it's time for you to leave."

"Dad what the hell. She doesn't even know which part of the town this is. Ariana, you don't have to go like right away."

"No it's okay, I'll go."

"At least let me call my boyfriend. We'll take you back to your dorm or house. Whichever one you want. I'll be back." She sprints to get her cellphone. It's probably going to take a long time, because this house is huge.

"How did you and Jason meet?" His dad slams the door and walks into one of their many living rooms.

"At a party." I follow.

"Jason doesn't need to love another hoe that'll further break his already broken heart."

"I understand, sir. But I actually love your son. I want to be with him for the rest of my life."

"Jason sucks at commitment."

"I could change that."

"I doubt that," he looks around. "I need a drink." He goes into the closest kitchen and grabs an alcoholic beverage. "You're a gold digging tramp. I've been with sluts like you and I've seen my son be with whores like yourself."

"You know nothing about me." I raise my voice.

"I texted Cole, he's on his way.." Paige looks at her dad and I and is confused. I storm out the room before I say or do anything I'll regret. "Ariana, wait up!" She tries to grab my arm.

"I've never been so disrespected by anyone my whole life."

"My dad is a dick, but Jason would want me to look after you. I'm young but Cole and I will protect you."


Cole gets here within 15 minutes. Before he entered Paige's room, we talked about Jason and her boyfriend. Cole picked up Paige and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They kiss each other for a while, but it's actually pretty cute. Aside from the fact that she's only 16 and he's 32.

I've never seen Jason's mom in person until we were about to leave. She looks terrible. The bags under her eyes aren't like any I've seen on a sober human being, her teeth are straight but yellow, and she has a huge bottle of vodka in her hand.

"Paige, where are you going?" Their mom chugs most of the drink.

"Cole and I are going to take Ariana back to her dorm room."

"I hate when you do that." She slurs.

"Do what?" Paige squints her eyes.

"Hang out with that old man, just to spite me."

"I love Cole." She snatches the glass bottle from her mom. "I hate when you drink."

"Just go." Her mom turns around to go back to her room. "We'll talk when you get back."

"I'll put this up." Paige puts it on the counter close by.

There's an awkward silence in the car as we ride to my college.


I think Jamie Dornan is a good fit for Cole, Sean Bean could be Jason's dad, the detective in the Derek murder case is Danny Pino and Rosanna Arquette as Jason's mom.

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- Kendall xx.

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