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When did it start? I think it was last year of college when I met him. Other people called me beautiful and whispered behind my back, but no one dared to get close to me. I think I have what some people call a 'resting bitch face', but I never really paid much attention to it. Social situation were not the easiest for me so I avoided other people as much as they avoided me. It made college pass by slowly, but I just couldn't break out of my daily routine of ignoring people.

I guess I sorta liked it that way because I enjoyed my own company. Of course that was until that man intruded into my life without any regard for what I felt. Thinking about it though, our story isn't a beautiful one. We were always imperfect from the very beginning, but humans will always be imperfect. He wasn't the first to approach me or anything, but I found myself very attracted to him. Maybe it was the confidence he exuded or just his natural charisma. Whatever it was, no matter how much I tried to run away, I always came back. 

Actually the first time I met him, I think I almost killed him. Its funny now that I think about it and I always laugh when I recall the story, but in the moment I was very panicked. However, I couldn't think of a better start to our relationship or maybe I could. It was very memorable though. 

Lets go back to that year.

Last year of college:...

Class is too easy, but I think it's just because I picked an easy major. I had came in as a computer science major then added on a double minor in business and fashion design. The teachers wouldn't know how to teach even if their life depended on it for my business classes, but at least my comp sci teacher taught well. Those classes always came natural to me, but the fashion design was taking some getting used to since my taste isn't exactly the same as my teachers. I stared at a book on color theory as I walked to the train platform, just looking out for any feet that were in my way. 

My parents kept bothering me about coming home for the break so honestly I was thinking more about that then the book I was reading. If it were up to me, I wouldn't visit them ever, but they kept ringing down my phone and I felt like it was disrespectful to block them. You're supposed to respect your parents right? With all the thoughts running through my mind, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going. Suddenly, I hit something and heard a scream.

My first thought was that it must have been a pillar, but it suddenly registered in my mind that I heard a scream. Shit! Pillars don't scream! It was probably the most obvious statement I've ever made, but my mind took a few seconds to buffer. 

I dropped my phone and saw a guy in the train tracks who was struggling to get back on the platform. Shit I'm about to get a murder charge. I panicked and quickly ran to him, grabbing his arms and pulling him back onto the platform. About a minute later a train flashed by and I just stared in disbelief. 

He was clutching his chest and both of us were breathing really hard, just collapsed onto the concrete. We didn't move and just looked at the train in a daze. 

When I finally caught my breath I said, "I am so sorry!"

He did the unexpected and smiled at me. I immediately lowered my gaze and went into a bowing position with my eyes staring at my lap and my hands on my knees. 

After a chuckle he said, "Well that was a rush. It wasn't on my bucket list, but I'm alive."

I looked at him surprised. If someone pushed me into the train tracks, I don't think I would've even been half as calm as him. Is this dude just a really nice person or am I just really spiteful? Maybe a little bit of both. His quick forgiveness actually made me feel even worse. 

"I wasn't paying attention when I really should have. I am so sorry sir!!". He started laughing again and part of me thought that he was insane or he wanted to die.

"Its fine, honestly. Plus I don't think I am that much older than you that I should be called sir."

I actually looked up at him for the first time and my breath caught in my throat. Oh my God I was going to kill a handsome man. He had dirty blonde hair, forest green eyes, and a face that made you think of how unfair God was. This man is definitely one of Gods most prized possessions. 

Part of me didn't want to look away. His eyes entranced me and sent a shiver down my back. I've had hookups, but never one that made me feel like this. He smirked and leaned in close. "What's your name?"

I gulped and closed my eyes as I tried to not think about how close he was. "I'm um. Um. My name right. It uh Maxwell." Oh God can I be any more awkward? Someone push me into the tracks because I'm an idiot. 

Once again, he smiled. "I'm Thomas. Nice to meet you." He extended his hand to me and I took it as we both stood up. 

"Nice to meet you as well."

Present Day:

Sigh. He was always so unpredictable, but I love him. Everything in my small world changed when I met him and he taught me what living really felt like.  How many years has it been? I'd say at least 10 by now. I know the exact number, but I cant really give you that right now. Despite all our ups and downs, there is nothing I would change. Well I'm sure if you ask Thomas he'd say my stubbornness could use some work, but like I said, we aren't perfect. 

I hope we get to spend more years together because I'll be with him for as long as he loves me. He is the love of my life and I wouldn't change a thing about our journey. Not a single thing.

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