Chapter 11

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Maxwell P.O.V.

Daniel had left early this morning, but I knew I would see him again. Afterall, he was now a coworker of Thomas. I just have to keep myself in control.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. That is easier said than done. Today is my official day off. I would've called in sick anyways since my ass and hips are killing me.

Thomas had already left for work. Once again, Im home alone. Maybe I should call up Henry. Or maybe I should go shopping. I know I need to buy a phone.

I sighed and groaned as I got out of bed. Shit. He could've used any other method of punishing. Why did he have to shove that big thing up my ass without preparation and then fucks my ass hard as soon as he is finished punishing me.

Honestly, I never know where that mans sex drive comes from. And let's not forget that he basically loves vibrating dildos. Maybe one day I should tie him up and let him see how it feels.

Shit but the punishment for that would kill me. I just dragged my feet to the bathroon and started filling up the tub for a bath. Hm. Now that I think about it, we haven't had sex in the shower for a long time.

I just shook my head. If Thomas hears that, he will not let me sleep and I need to be at full working mode tomorrow. Well, Im always at full working mode.

The tub was finally filled with water so I slowly went in and soaked myself. I almost moaned. The warm water felt so nice and was helping my aching hips.

What should I wear? Hm...


I looked like a prune. I soaked for an hour since I put the little heaters on in the tub. At least I figured out what to wear. I know that somewhere in my draw there is a v-neck.

I started looking through and after a struggle, I found it. I put on my deodorant and then then shirt. I wore my other black jeans and took Thomas' leather jacket.

For once, I let my hair rest on my head in a fluffy mess instead of the slickback style I always wear. I looked in the mirror and had to admit, I looked sexy.

I smirked and got my keys, wallet, and my old phone. Ill grab something to eat on the road.


I pulled up to the central mall and opened my car door. I had my coffee in one hand and my bag of donuts in the other. I couldn't resist the sweet temptation of boston cream donuts.

I made sure my car was locked before finding a phone store in the huge mall. After walking around for a long time..5 minutes..I finally found the store.
I walked in and talked to the people there, got the newest galaxy phone, transferred all my data to my new phone, and got the hell out of there.

I decided to call up Tommy first.

"Hey babe"

"Hey hun. I got a new phone but kept the same number. Ill be shopping for a bit so do you want anything?"

He was silent for a bit. "Can you get pizza when you're coming home?"

I smiled. "Yeah sure. The usual?"

"Of course. I got to go now baby. Love you".

"Love you too".

I hung up first and then kissed my phone. Time to get shopping. I just went to random stores and got clothes I thought were nice. I dont really care much about name brand. If I can find better clothes at a lesser known store, then I will buy from there instead of places like Gucci.

I already had 5 bags full of casual clothes. Maybe I should buy more suits. I was starting to walk when some boy ran into me. I fell and hissed as I fell on my butt.

He glared at me and I glared right back before grabbing his arm. He tried to pull free but I held on tightly. Im not weak, its just that thomas is stronger than me.

"Hold that boy sir!"

I saw a police officer run up to me and he was looking good. He had a well toned body, but I got a man with a better build.

"What's the problem officer?"

The boy next to me had groaned and rolled his eyes. The officer pointed to the boy.

"That young man just shoplifted from a food store".

I nodded and looked at the boys bag. "How much did he shoplift?"

"Im not sure".

I ran a hand through my hair and looked emotionless at the boy. "Empty your bag".

He looked shocked and was about to argue but I squinted my eyes at him and made my voice sound mor authoritative.

"Open the bag and empty it".

He had started taking out all the food he stole and I looked at the price tags and did a mental calculation. This boy stole 60 dollars worth of food.

"Boy why did you steal all this food. Do you have 60 dollars?"

He glares at me. "Obviously I dont have 60 dollars asshole. And I stole it cause I got nothing to eat and no money".

He said the last part in a more softer tone. I sighed. "Officer Ill pay for it. Do you still nees to take him to the station?"

I handed the officer the money and a bit extra just in case there was tax. "I need to contact his parents. Would you mind accompanying him, I dont want him to slip away again".

I almost whined. My perfect shopping day is ruined. I sighed and nodded. Everyday is a new type of drama in my life.


We were at the station waiting for the boys parent. Apparently, the kid was a sophmore in high school. He had already made the phone call.

I suddenly heard harsh footsteps and my eyes went wide.


He was fuming, but it wasn't directed at me.

"Hey big bro".

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