Chapter 48

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Thomas P.O.V.

This week is definitely going to be super busy. First of all, I'm meeting my parents tonight to discuss getting full custody of Christopher. I'd prefer not to go through a legal battle because there are still some prejudices in this world where people don't think a gay couple could raise a child properly. If they can just agree and leave it at that, then I'll be happy. I'll allow Christopher to speak with them if he wants to, but I don't want them in his life anymore. All they know how to do is teach him hate and I don't want that.

On top of the meeting with the monsters, Chris and Ry's parent teacher conference is tomorrow so we need to go to that as well. Maxwell's show is also soon so that means I need to confirm the hairstyles that I need to do at the show. Jeez, why is there so much to do? Currently I'm just getting dressed so that I can go meet my parents. Maxwell has been looking stressed these days so I'd rather him stay home. With that being said...why is he getting dressed right now?

I sighed and went up to him as he was buttoning his jeans. "Maxxy what are you doing?" He looked at me like I had asked the most obvious question in the world.

His fingers worked quickly to put on his belt and grab my leather jacket. Honestly, I should just buy him a leather jacket since he loves wearing mine so much. With a sigh similar to mine, he responded, "I'm getting dressed to go to your parents house. I've already told Chris and Anny that we'll be out tonight." When did he even tell them?

I groaned and hugged him, resting my chin on his head. Before I could even speak, Maxxy said, "I know you probably don't want me to talk with your parents, but I want to be there as your support. I won't come inside, but let me at least stand outside the door." If he's not meeting my parents that shouldn't be a problem.

"Oh plus I hid your car keys so you would have to take my car but I hid those so only I know where they are." He looked up at me innocently and I couldn't help but laugh at this adorable man. I cupped his face in my hands and gently planted a kiss on his lips, savoring the taste of his lips. Once our sweet kiss was finished, I touched our foreheads together and just closed my eyes for a second. What would I do without this man?

"Alright let's go."

He let me go to the car first so that he could take his keys out of their secret location which is probably his sock draw or one of the colored vases in the hallway. When he finally came to the car, the first thing he did after turning it on was putting on some music. We didn't really speak much on the drive to my parents' house, but we didn't really have to. Just being in the same space as him was enough to calm me down.

When Maxwell pulled up to the house, we both didn't move. I took a few deep breaths and ran my hands along my pants so that they weren't sweaty. "Hey, look at me Tommy." His hand went on my cheek as he turned my face to his. "You are an amazing man now and before so there is no reason to fear them. Don't stoop down to their level and start yelling at them, just say what's on your mind. No matter what happens, we are going to fight for Christopher and know that I'm right here for you."

I placed my hand over his and slightly nuzzled it. "Have I ever told you I love you Maxxy?" He smirked and leaned forward to kiss my cheek.

"Maybe you haven't said it enough today." I laughed and pressed my forehead against his. "I love you so much Maxxy."

"I love you too Thomas, forever and always."

"Forever and always Maxxy. Now, I'm gonna go inside. I'll be out soon hopefully." After a peck on the lips, I left the car and went up to the door. It felt weird to stand outside the house I grew up in and knock, but I don't have keys. This house was never welcoming, nor was it a home. It was just a place that I slept and ate, that's it. I knocked twice and the door opened immediately. Standing before me was the woman who is, based on documentation and DNA, my mother.

She seemed old and tired, but still had that glare in her green eyes. There was a time when I thought maybe I was being too harsh on them, but I realized that they deserved no sympathy.

She folded her arms across her chest and in a cold tone said, "hello Thomas."

"Hello mother". She sighed and then went away from the door. I assumed that this meant I can just come in so I did just that. Once my mom was out of sight, I turned around and saw Max waving from the car. I returned my own small wave before closing the door behind me. After a big deep breath in and out, I walked to the dining room.

My mother and father were seated next to each other with a stern look on their face. When I sat down in front of them, my father didn't even acknowledge me and we just sat in silence for a minute or two before my mother cleared her throat. I guess she's the least stubborn out of all of us.

"Let's get this over with quickly so say what you have to say Thomas."

I folded my hands on the table and stared at both of them. Today, I am not backing down without a fight.
"I want full custody of Christopher. You won't have to send money or ever hear from us again unless Chris wants to reach out and I'll never ask anything of you. I just want him to grow up in a better environment than this."

My words hung in the air for only a few seconds before my dad, surprisingly, spoke.

"Take him. I have no need for another disappointing son. Me and your mother did everything to raise you both right but instead you turned out to be a faggot and Christopher is the stupidest child I've ever met. Take that faggot in the car home and never come back here again."

I tightened my hands and tried my best to stay calm. They're not worth it. They're not worth it. They're not worth it. I took a deep breath and maintained my composure.

"That works better for me anyways." I stood up and made my way to the door. Before opening it, I turned back to them.

"Christopher is an amazing boy who is talented and will be even more amazing in the future. I will never allow you to hurt him ever again! And my husband is going to be a better father to him than you have ever been. My lawyers will be contacting you about all the details. Goodbye."

I opened the door and hurriedly walked out as I felt my blood start to boil. The things I want to say are definitely a lot worse than what I did and wouldn't have been as pretty, but Max was right. There's no need for me to go down to their level. I went into the car and tried my best to not slam the door, but I think I was a little heavy handed.

"That was quick. How did it go?"

I took a breath before turning to Maxxy and grabbing his face, pushing my lips against his. He quickly kissed me back as I curled my tongue around his. My hands buried themselves into his hair and tugged a little as I kissed him harder. His hands went onto my chest and pushed a little, breaking our kiss. The sound of our pants filled the silent car as we stared at each other. His cheeks were flushed and his hair was a mess and he just looked so fucking good.

"That was...unexpected." I smiled as he tried to cool himself down.

As he fanned himself, I reached over and put my hand on the back of his neck, rubbing small circles with my thumb. "Well despite the slurs that he called us and disrespectful comments, they agreed right away. I'll have our lawyer get the paperwork ready for the transfer of guardianship."

He smiled and closed his eyes, relaxing in my touch. How can a man be so beautiful?

"I'm happy it worked out Thomas. What matters is that we get Christopher now. So is there anything else you want to do today?"

I smirked as I stared at him. "You."

A blush slowly appeared on his neck and cheeks. After all these years, I can't believe he still blushes like that. He looked at me and then looked down into his lap.

"How about we get a hotel room for the night? The boys already know that we are gonna be busy and they'll be home all day so..." He trailed off and looked down at his lap.

I hummed and dropped my hand from his neck, instead placing it on his thigh and squeezing.

"Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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