Chapter 14

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Thomas P.O.V.

I glared at my brother as he played a game on his phone. He has no right to treat Maxwell like that. Who does he think woke up early to make his breakfast and lunch. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

"We are leaving Christopher".

He nodded and I led him to the car. He sat in the front seat and I got into the car. How do I make him realize that Maxwell is so much more than just another gay guy? Why does he even hate gay people so much?

I sighed and stopped at a red light. "Chris, is there a lot of gay people at your school?"

He sneered. "No. Just a few of them. They are so fucking annoying. Who gives them the right to act like that? It's so disgusting".

I sighed. "Let me ask you a question".

He nodded. "You asked who gave them the right to act a certain way right?"


I looked at him. "So who gives you the right to tell them not to be who they are?"

He was silent. I sighed. "Chris, please understand this. They have feelings too. And I do not want to find out that you're bullying anyone".

He stayed silent and I clenched the steering wheel. The light turned green and I made my way to my parents home. This brings back memories.

Years and years ago....

I was packing my bag. There was no way I was going to stay in this hell hole. I already got a scholarship so everything is paid for already, dorming included.

I made sure I got everything and packed them in the suitcases and duffel bags that I bought. I carried them out to my car and went back upstairs to get the rest of my belongings. My parents were glaring at me and my littke brother was crying.

He ran to me and hugged me. "Dont leave! Please dont leave big brother!!"

I picked him up and hugged him. "Im sorry Chris. I just cant live here anymore".

I put him down and my mom picked him up. I stared at my parents. "You may not accept me, but I know somewhere in your hearts, you love me. So when you finally open your hearts, I will come back into your lives. I hope you find happiness, because no one as bitter and cruel as you two could be happy".

I turned around and headed to my car crying. I may have sounded all big and bad but it's so hard when your own family doesn't love you. It's so depressing that I can not call that place home. I sat in my car and cried. There is no turning back now.

Present time:

My parents contacted me a few years after that but it was only to check if I was still alive and all that. By that time, I was dating the love of my life and of course I told my parents that.

I only allowed Maxwell to talk to them on the phone. He is such a sensitive guy so I dont want my parents hurting him. Therefore, I never made them meet.

I sighed again as I pulled up at the house. I came out the car first then Christopher. I stood awkwardly by the door.

"You have the keys?"

He nodded and unlocked the door. "Go upstairs quickly and get what you need".

He ran up the stairs and I looked around. This place hasn't changed that much. After 20 minutes of waiting, he came back down with a suitcase. I sighed.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah. Am I going to school?"

I scoffed. "Is that even a question? Of course your going to school".

He groaned. "Fine".

I laughed. "Thats so funny Chris. You thought that you had a choice on whether or not you were going to school?"

He rolled his eyes and we both headed to the car. I put the suitcase in the trunk and started to drive to the school.


We finally arrived. I pulled up near the school and parked the car. "Okay. What time do you end school?"

"At 3:30".

I nodded. "Either me or Maxwell will pick you up. I dont know if I will be busy or not later".

He huffed and mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't hear. "Have a good day at school. Love you lil bro".

He smiled. "Thanks. Um have a good day at work".

I nodded amd he got his bag and left. I sighed. I should head to work now. Im supposed to have a big project coming up.

Maxwell P.O.V.

Why is today so busy?!?!? I have four meetings and I still have to organize that damn fashion show. It is proving to be really tiresome. I finally finished the room and decided on the fashion lines I am using. I only need to get the models and get the guest list and invitations sent out.

I collapsed in my chair. Two out of the four meetings are finished. One of those meetings is about expanding my company to other country's. The hard part is finding suitable people to watch over the company.

I sighed and layed my head on the desk. My head hurts. I buzzed Maddy.

"Yes sir?"

I groaned. "Can you bring the-"

"Advil? Right away sir".

I smiled. "Thank you Maddy".

A few minutes later, she walked in with a glass of water and two pills. She placed it infront of me. I nodded.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome sir".

She left the office and dimmed the lights. I sighed and took the pills and drank the water. I layed my head down again. I have about thirty minutes till my next meeting.

I closed my eyes for a short period of time. About 5 minutes later, my phone rang.


"Hey babe. You okay?"

"Yeah Im fine Thomas".

"Thats good to hear. Babe can you do me a huge favor?"

I sat up. "What is it?"

"Well you see, Im running late today and Im super busy. So can you please pick up Christopher?"

"Sweety, Im really busy.."


I ran my hand over my face. He sounds so disappointed. "Um Im busy, but I can have a driver pick him up and take him to my job".


I smiled to myself and Maddy came in. She was about to talk but I raised my hand. She nodded but stayed in the room. I really want privacy but I guess Im used to her by now.

"You're welcome. Please talk to him before he comes here. I have a business to run and a busy schedule. I cannot have him causing trouble".

"I understand baby. Ill buy you some chocolates. I love you so much".

I smiled. "I love you too".

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