Chapter 24

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Dedication to Deckard00

Thomas P.O.V.

A boy stood up. "My name is Daniel. Everyone except the new people know that. Anyways, school has been really hard recently. There are these group of boys that torment me. They follow me around and call me fag and fairy boy. It hurts so much and I started thinking that I am a worthless existence. So..I tried to commit suicide, but obviously I failed".

He sniffled and the girl next to him squeezed his hand for reassurance. "At home, ACS recently took me away from my dad since he is drunk 99% of the time. School had always been my safe haven, but now..Im scared to even walk through the doors. It's not my fault Im treated like this, I keep telling myself that repeatedly. But, as days pass, they somehow convince me that it is my fault".

He sat down. Sarah smiled at him and those around him gave him hug.

"Thank you for sharing Daniel. How do you feel after saying all of that out loud?"

"I guess I feel if everything is not on me anymore. That may sound confusing".

Sarah shook her head. "I understand what you mean. And just so you know, it is never your fault. This goes for all of you. How you dress, who you love, and what you identify as are decisions you make. If someone wants to bully you for that, the only thing that is to blame is their ignirant mindset. Plus, I think all of you are way cooler".

The mood in the room seemed to lighten. Most of the kids were smiling. The next person to stand up was a girl. She was wearing baggy jeans and a sweatshirt.

"My name is Nicole. As you can see, I dont dress like normal girls. I've always liked the way guys dress over how girls dress. Also, I've always liked girls. They are just so cute and adorable. I came out to my parents and they were okay with it, I was so happy. But then, they made me stay with my uncle once because they had a trip to go to".

She took a deeo break and Sarah cut in. "If that is too much for you to share, don't share it. I want all of you to stay in your confort zones".

She shook her head. "Im fine. Anyways, he found out I liked girls and one night after I got out the shower, he cornered me. He said that the only reason why I don't like boys is because I haven't been with a real man. Be said he would show me what a real man was like and then took me to the bedroom. I was so scared. I cried out for my mom and my dad, but no one would help me. I felt so helpless. My uncle was arrested, but I felt like he would come and get me".

She took another deep breath. "I ended up getting pregnant at 16 years old. My parents didn't know so I found out a place that can do an abbortion off the records. I just had to get 400 dollars. I was terrified, but I did it. It has been two years since then, and I regret it so much. I was selfish and I hated myself for it. But, thanks to you Ms.Sarah, Im starting to love step at a time".

Sarah had tears in her eyes. "Thank you for sharing Nicole. Thomas, why dont you share something?"

I nodded and stood up. It's only fair for me to share something since these kids are sharing such personal things.

"So, I knew I was gay for a long time. At first I didn't want to admit it because I knew my parents were against it. However, they ended up finding out. Life was hard after that. I tried to stay happy for my little brother, but at a certain part it just became so hard to deny who I was. So I applied for a college far away and got a full scholarship. I packed my bags and I decided to leave. It was hard to leave the only people that loved me. I cried as I went into the car because I wanted to know how could anyone love me if my own parents dont. I was so lost without them".

I took a short pause. "When I got to college, I messrd around a lot at first. There were rumors that I was gay or that I had an STD. People even spray painted hateful words on my dorm door. I thought college students would be more mature, but they were the same as the arrogant people I've lived with. I started losing faith in myself, then one day.."

I laughed. "A guy a year of two younger than me had pushed me into the train tracks. He panicked and helped me up. As soon as I looked into his eyes, I knew he was the one. We talked a lot after that and I soon asked him out. On the street one day, he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I pulled away and he looked hurt. I was scared of people judging us. So I asked him, 'dont you realize we are in a public place?'. He laughed and shrugged. He said, 'of course I realize. But at the end of the day, the people here are not the ones living my life, I am. They are not the ones in love with you. Love yourself Thomas, I certainly do'. That day, I promised to never let him go".

Everyone clapped. I wiped some tears from my eyes. A boy raised his hand. "Why aren't you two married yet?"

Hm. "I actually dont know...".

A girl raised her hand as well. "Will we ever find someone like that for ourself?"

I smiled. "Everyone has someone for them. So dont give up, you are all beautiful strong individuals".

I sat down and more people started tellinf their stories. I looked at the boys and they were listening to everything with wide eyes. This was my intention. It's time for them to see how the other side feels. There are always consequences for your actions, both good and bad.

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