Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


(POV) Bree

"Thank you for shopping at cupcake city*." Bree said as she handed the box to the last shopper of the day. The shopper smiled and walked out into the main way. Bree began to pack up the store.

As she switched the sign to closed, she let her eyes wander over to the boy working at Muffin Mania*. Bree went to school with him at Mission Creek High. He was always on the honor roll. Bree could tell from the many times she had seen his name listed on the wall by the office. He seemed extremely smart, but, he could get to be a little full of himself. Bree had to admit, she definitely, along with every other girl in the junior class, thought he was cute. But, that could never happen. For one thing, he didn't even know she existed. For another, they were on opposite ends of the social ladder. And to top it all off, they worked at rival shops in the mall. It was like the world was telling them that they shouldn't be together.

•Chase's POV•

Chase looked up to see Bree staring at him while he packed up the unused boxes. His boss turned the corner just as he smiled back at Bree.


"Yes sir?"

"Did I just see you smiling at the girl who works at Cupcake City? Things like that can't happen, Chase. Didn't I tell you about the last time something like this happened?" The boss ranted on. Chase sighed before answering.

"Yes. They fell in love, then they ran away together. Eventually they broke up which left them out on the streets without money," Chase paused before continuing with the tragic story. "Then the boy got hit by a car, and when the girl found out, she killed herself." Chase looked across the way at Bree again who was also talking to her boss. Chase could only imagine that Bree was retelling the same story they had each heard countless times. Although their bosses thought this story taught a good lesson, it didn't. All it did was remind them of what could never happen if Bree and Chase were to even talk in the first place.

"A tragic end for us all. They fell in love, only to die because of it. And both Muffin Mania and Cupcake City were missing their best workers." Chase started to wonder what his boss considered tragic, the love story, or the whole business end of it. The boss' face lit up as he remembered the time, he couldn't keep a teenager working this late.

"Alright, you better get going. It's Nine o' Clock. But," The boss stopped Chase before he walked away, "Take the back entrance. We wouldn't want you running into Bree, now would we?" He warned, a leading tone to his voice.

"No sir." Chase said as he saw Bree walking out their back entrance, as well. Looks like they both got the same speech. Guess they can't have another slip up. But what their bosses didn't know, is that the two have never talked before. They were completely different. Chase was generally popular, while Bree (as far as he can tell), only had a few friends. Chase was in all AP classes, while she had honors. Now before you ask just how he found out all this, Chase may, or may not, have a small crush on Bree. It's nothing really. Chase walked out the back entrance.

"If only we could be friends... or something more." Chase thought as he walked to his car. But little did he know, things were about to change between he and the girl at Cupcake City.


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