Epilogue - Part 1

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Epilogue - Part 1


(POV) Bree

Tasha and Davenport wanted to get married right away. Davenport proposed in May, so they got married June 16. I was of course Tasha's maid of honor, and Chase was Davenport's best man. It was the first, and hopefully not the last time we would get to walk down the isle together.

"Tasha, Do you take Donald as your husband?" The minister asked.

"I do." Tasha was crying by this point.

"And Donald, do you take Tasha as your wife?"

"I do." Davenport smiled at Tasha as he said those words. They were still so in love, it was crazy.

"Well, since there's nothing else left to say, by the power invented in me I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The minister finished. Davenport took one step closer to Tasha. Davenport kissed Tasha and somewhere in the middle of all this, I was able to catch Chase's glance from across the way. Today was our one month anniversary.

**at the reception**

"I would just like to thank everyone for coming tonight. This is a very special moment for us. We've been apart since high school. But, before we get into that story, we thought two people in this very room were better at telling it... Bree, Chase... Come on up here and tell what has happened this past month." Tasha explained as she handed the microphone to us. Just like we practiced last night, I tell myself.

"It all started at the mall, for us anyway. This is the story of how a new love, brought together a forgotten one." Chase started. "I looked across the way to catch Bree starring right back at me. Then, as this was happening, Davenport turned the corner and caught us." Chase smiled at the memory.

"They told us nothing could happen. We were too different, and history couldn't repeat itself. Back in high school, Tasha and Davenport felt the same way Chase and I felt for each other. But their romance had to end abruptly, as well." I said as I turned to see Chase smiling at me.

"In almost every romance, there is someone who helps the two find their way to each other, in our story, this was Adam." Chase said as Adam stood up and clapped.

"Adam helped me realized that I liked Chase, and the he liked me too. So one day at lunch, we decided to talk." I left off.

"We talked about how Tasha and Davenport had once been so in love that they spent the whole summer before their senior year together. Then, how the night before their graduation, things ended. They had businesses to run." Chase said.

"Tasha found out that Chase and I had talked that day, and was upset. She didn't want me to feel the hurt that she did when things had to end." I looked over to see tears in Tasha's eyes.

"I was upset to say the least. I was in love with a girl that no one wanted me to be with, so I decided to pick a fight with Davenport. Things started to spin out of control from here." Chase said as he turned back to me.

"Then Adam came up with the idea that brought us here today. Why not help Tasha and Davenport remember their lost love." I said.

"As we picked through the story that had never been told, we found some interesting information. There was a proposal the night before graduation that was never found out about." Chase said with a smirk as the crowd ohhed and awed.

"Tasha never knew Davenport was going to propose. So, we recreated the date they were to have the night before Adam's graduation." I said smiling at Adam as he gave Leo a high five.

"Everything was planned to the minute. After we got them both there, it was like nothing ever happened between the two of them." Chase smiled over at the happy couple.

"Somehow, Chase and I's fight for love, brought Tasha and Davenport back together. And the night of Adam's graduation, was when everything fell back into place." I said as I motioned to the screen behind us. Adam had tapped the proposal.

"Now... Here we are today witnessing the wedding that never happened. And I'm happy to say, that I am apart of it." Chase said as he turned to me.

"Now, let's give it up for Mr. And Mrs. Davenport, and the love story that finally has a happy ending." I said as everyone began to clap. Tasha and Davenport motioned for us to come back over so we handed the microphones back to the band.

"Thank you guys. I wouldn't have been able to make it through that." Tasha cried as she hugged both Chase and I.

"A thanks is in order from me, too. I'm sorry for all that we put you through that first week. But hey, look how well it turned out." Davenport said with a smile as he motioned around the room.

"Well, Bree. May I have his dance?" Chase asked me as he held out his hand.

"Of course, Chase." I said with a smile his way as he led me down to the dance floor where a slow song was being played. I wrapped my hands around his neck as he rested his hands on my waist. I looked up at his to see him smiling.

"What?" I asked smiling back at him.

"It's our anniversary, Tasha and Davenport got married, Leo can kind of walk again, this is our first dance, and... Your still wearing the neckless I gave you." Chase listed with a smile.

"Why would I take it off? And you still wear yours, don't you?" I asked a little warily. But then my fingers found their way to the chain that was hiding under his tie.

"Why do you have it under your tie?" I asked.

"Well, guys don't really wear necklaces, and Adam was making fun of me." Chase said and I laughed at him.

"But, there's also another reason." Chase left off.

"What is it?" I asked genuinely wondering.

"I want your heart to be as close to me as possible." I smiled up at him as I let my fingers bring the chain out from under his tie.

"I think you can deal with a little teasing." I smirked up at him as he frowned.

"But why?" He faked a whine.

"Because... Then everyone can see that I complete you... And you complete me." I smiled as I rested my head on his chest.


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