Epilogue Part 2

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Epilogue - Part 2


(POV) Bree

Amazingly enough, the proposal caught me by surprise. I actually didn't see it coming.


I was sitting by Chase on the couch at the now self proclaimed, Davenport Mansion. Chase had his arm around me. We were awaiting the arrival of the now married couple to come down the stairs for the celebration of their fifth wedding anniversary. Chase and I were now twenty two.

"When are they coming down? I want cake!" Adam whinnied as he took a seat next to me. Caitlyn slowly followed.

"Settle down, Adam. They'll be down in a minute." Caitlyn reassured Adam as he put an arm around her.

"Hey... Where's Leo and Janell?" I asked thinking of the on again, off again, couple.

"Oh... I forgot to tell you guys. Umm... They may, or may not, be on their honeymoon right now." Adam said quietly.

"What?!" Chase and I said together as we sat up.

"Yeah... Um... Leo proposed about two weeks ago. She said yes and didn't want to wait to get married. They went down to city hall, signed the papers, and let's just say Leo put a ring on it. Now they're in Hawaii." Adam finished with a nod.

"Wow." I said.

"Yeah, who knew that kid would just pop the question one day." Chase said as he pulled me back down on the couch. I turned to Chase with one question running trough my mind. When was he going to propose to me?

"Hey everyone! Thank you to coming to celebrate our fifth anniversary!" Tasha said as she made her way down the stairs. Davenport and Tasha decided to wear the same outfits they wore the night we got them back together. I laughed at their cheesiness.

"I can't believe we have to tell that same speech again." I sighed as we stood up and made our way to the unofficial stage, thinking about the story we told at the wedding.

"Don't worry. I don't think we'll have to tell it this year." Chase said with a devilish smile.

"Why? They make us re-tell it every year." I said as Chase took my hand and helped me up the stairs.

"Just wait, you'll see." Chase winked at me. As Tasha introduced us, I let my fingers play with the necklace I had been wearing for five years straight. Chase had his on, too.

"Okay, everyone. Give it up for the story of how these two got us back together!" Tasha said as everyone clapped. I knew that this was what Tasha looked forward too every year, but this was getting ridiculous.

"Alright everyone. Let's just say things are going to go a little different this year. Bree... Why don't you start us off." Chase smirked as I froze. I didn't even know what he said every year to start the story. I had practically memorized my half, but I had no clue up he started it off.

"Umm... Okay." I said as I turned away from Chase to face the crowd. "It all started at the mall. Chase and I saw each other through the windows... And I at least know for me, it was love at first-" I didn't get to finish, because suddenly, everyone's eyes went wide. Every girl in the room gasped. I looked back at them confused, but then I saw Caitlyn and Adam pointing behind me. I turned around to see Chase on one knee holding the ring I remember from the dream I had almost five years ago.

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