Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


(POV) Bree

Chase walked me back to the shop about half an hour ago. We had an amazing time at lunch.


We were holding hands as we walked back. When we came to the store doors, he turned to me.

"I had a lot of fun... On our first date." Chase smiled down at me. He was about two inches taller than me. I looked up into his eyes as he took my other hand into his.

"I had a lot of fun, too. Maybe we can do it again?" I questioned with a smile.

"Of course we can, Bree. I love..." He paused as he leaned down to my ear then he whispered the rest, "You." He turned his head a little to kiss my check. I smile the second his lips met my check. He pulled back to face me.

"I love you, too." I said with a smile.

"I'll see you later, beautiful." He slowly pulled his hands away. He turned on his heels and started walking back to the shop. I suddenly knew what I needed to do, to keep his mind completely on me for the rest of the day.

"Chase!" I called as I ran over. He turned as if something was wrong. I smiled at his concern.

"I forgot something." I smiled up at him. He smiled back.

"What is it?" He asked. I laughed.

I leaned up to his ear and whispered, "this." I turned my head to kiss him on the check. As I rested my feet again, he put his hands on my waist and pulled me into a hug. Our first hug.


I still can't quit thinking about it. I smiled to myself as I let my mind fall to the past day. I can't believe we've only been officially talking for a day.

I looked up to see a few of the girls from school walk in. They were a few of Chase's friends, one of which was named Danielle.

"Hi, welcome to Cupcake City. How can I help you?" I asked as professionally as I could. I've never gotten along with these girls. Let alone had a conversation with them.

"Well... I guess you could get us three vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting and an... Explanation." Danielle said with a smile. I reached down to grab the cupcakes then I put them on the counter. I turned behind me and grabbed a box, then one by one, set the cupcakes in.

"That will be five dollars, and what kind of explanation do you need?" I asked kindly with my voice turning cold at the end. I knew exactly what kind of explanation they needed. What was a popular person like Chase doing talking to me?

"Here you go." Danielle said as se handed me the five dollar bill and took the box. She handed it to the two girls behind her as I put he money in the cash register. "And. I think you know exactly what we need. Why is Chase talking to you?" Danielle questioned coldly.

"Danielle, Chase can talk to whoever he wants. You don't own him. I know that you two went out last year, but things have changed. If he wants to talk to me, then he will talk to me." I said as calmly as I could, but I also tried to sound confident. Which in this case, was harder than it sounded.

"Look, Bree. He's to cool for you. I know that you probably have this fantasy in your head, that maybe he'll go for you, but your wrong. I see the way you look at him, but I also see the way he looks at you. It's not he same, sweetie." She said with a smile.

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