Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


(POV) Adam

Bree, Leo, and I walked up to the school, said goodbye before we each went our separate ways. We all had different first hour classes considering I was senior, Bree was a junior, and Leo was a sophomore. As I made my way to my locker, I saw Chase sitting on the round bench in the middle of the hallway. Mission Creek High has some pretty weird seating areas.

"Hey Chase, how'd you make out last night*?" I asked with a smile. Chase looked up to me with a smirk on his face, knowing I just quoted one of his favorite shows.

"Well for your information, nosy, we actually made lunch plans." Chase replied as he handed me his phone with the conversation pulled up. I read through it and smirked knowing he had put Bree in his contacts as Bree <3.

"Why would you put Bree in your contacts with a heart? I mean, it's not like you guys are going out or anything... Yet." I mumbled the last part. I knew he would still hear me, and when he figured it out, he focused his attention on his shoes with a smile on his face.

"You really think she'll go for me?" Chase asked, sounding both excited and worried. I nodded as the bell rang. Chase and I stood up and began to head to our classes.

"I know so." I said as we picked up our backpacks.

"I'll see you this weekend, we still up for studying at my house?" Chase called a little ways down the hall. I laughed as the other students stared back at us. Perry kills those who yell in the hallway.

"Totally! Without you, I might fail bro." I called from across the hall. He laughed back.

"Yeah, we can't have that, Mr. Almost getting held back!" Chase yelled the last part, making the entire study hall I had just walked into look up at me. I just smiled at them.

"Shut it, Chase!" I yelled back.

"He's just messing around, you know how best friends are, joking with each other about not graduating... and failing classes, and stuff." I began to grow more unsure of how confident I should be as I continued. The girls looked up at me and laughed, thinking it was all a joke. In all honesty though, I might not graduate. Instead of worrying more, I just decided to laugh it off with the other senior girls at my table. This was nothing. I just had a few classes to he my grade up in anyway. That's what study hall was for... right?

** lunch**

•Bree's POV•

All I could think about was Chase as I made my way outside to the meeting place. I saw Adam and Chase talking this morning before class started, and I knew immediately that they were talking about me.

I hid behind some lockers as I tried listening to their conversation. I had given up trying to figure out what it could be about and walked by when I heard Adam say- Why would you put Bree in your contacts with a heart? I mean it's not like you guys are going out or anything... Yet. I looked back to see Chase blush and look at the ground. My heart skipped a beat as I saw him do that. Now I knew Adam was right. I was wary about lunch before, but now, I knew it was the right choice.

I looked up to the stairs from where I was sitting under the tree out front (where Chase and I were going to meet), to see Chase walking towards me. I quickly looked down at my phone and pretended to text Caitlyn. He couldn't know I was so desperate as to wait and watch for him.

"Hey." Chase said as he sat down next to me.

"Hey." I smiled as I noticed how close we were.

"So, I guess what Adam told you is that I wanted to hear the story behind Davenport and your boss' relationship. Basically, why they hate each other. And while I do want to know all that, I also want to get to know you." Chase finished explaining and looked up to see me smiling as I thought about the last thing he said. He wanted to get to know me?

"I want to get to know you, too. But I should warn you. First, the story will shock you and you can never tell anyone... Ever, or else, I don't even know. Second, please know that my background has nothing to do with who I am today." I finished a little fast, knowing that eventually, Chase would come to find out about my father and brother. Better to get it over with now, I guess.

"Bree, nothing we share with each other will ever change the way I feel about you. And, just for the record, I am awesome at keeping secrets." Chase stated. I looked into his eyes as Chase stared back down at me. For a split second we both thought we knew what was next, a kiss.

Chase started to lean in as my eyes fluttered shut. I could feel his lips coming closer and closer and just as quickly as the moment started, it had to end.

"Hey, Chase. What are you doing out here man? We're eating lunch in the cafeteria today." Trent stated as he walked closer to the two "friends" siting under the tree.

"Oh, sorry. I completely forgot to tell you guys. I'm eating lunch with Bree today." Chase said as he turned his attention to the brunet sitting next to him. I smiled and shyly waved at Trent, knowing that he probably didn't know who I was up until this point.

"Oh, sorry man. I didn't mean to interrupt your lunch, or anything. I guess we'll see you some other time. Have fun guys." Trent said waving and running back up the stairs to the school.

"Does he even know who I am?" I asked. Chase shrugged.

"Yeah, I think. I told him earlier who you were but he wasn't listening, apparently. But then again, there is the fact that he is a senior, and probably doesn't even know my name." Chase explained. The seniors this year weren't exactly Einsteins. Trent had been held back for the last three years. Then, there was Adam. Adam needed Chase's help on almost everything, and Chase was a junior.

"So anyway... What do you want to know?" I asked changing the subject. Chase smiled.

"Well first, I think it would be best to get the whole Davenport/Dooley thing out of the way." Chase said. I nodded, wondering where to start.

"Okay, should I tell you the whole thing in short, or the little extra details?" I asked, already knowing which one Chase would pick.

Chase leaned in close before speaking, "Details. I like the little things. It keeps the story moving." Chase smirked as my voice got caught in my throat. I suddenly became very aware of how close we were.

"Okay, it all started when Tasha and Donald saw each other from across the hall, in this very high school, so many years ago..."


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